Get an education. Suppose you’re to become a successful property investor with a portfolio of properties that generate sufficient income to help you not just live comfortably but be financially independent for the rest of your life. In that case, you need to begin a...
Know what makes you money. Whenever you receive any income from your wages or salary or any other source such as a gift, you are faced with a choice, and the choice you will make will mean the difference between achieving financial freedom and staying trapped in the...
Develop the right mindset. Working hard is a quality valued by many. But it’s not just enough if you want to become financially independent. If it were, those who spend long, hard hours doing tough, dirty jobs would be wealthy. But unfortunately for them, they are...
Let’s continue to look at ways you can purchase property with little or no money down. Most people know that banks and financiers take mortgages over properties when someone borrows money to buy the property. But it’s not only banks and other financial institutions...
The basic rule when buying an investment property, you must always consider location, location, location. When investing in property, you must also realise that land appreciates and buildings depreciate. Government Incentives There are generous tax incentives to...