Find the Best Rental Yield Australia Has to Offer in 2024

Did you know that rental yield is a key factor in determining the success of your property investment?

But how do you find the best rental yield Australia has to offer in 2024? Fret not!

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the basics of rental yield, the top Australian cities with high rental yields, and expert tips on maximizing your property investment. Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Rental yield is an important indicator of profitability for property investors, with a good rental yield typically being 5% or higher.
  • Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and other Australian cities offer high rental yields due to strong demand and low vacancy rates.
  • Property investors should understand current market trends in order to make informed decisions about maximizing their returns from investments in Australia.

Understanding Rental Yield: The Basics

Rental yield is a crucial metric for property investors, representing the annual rental income as a percentage of the property’s value or purchase price. But what is considered a good rental yield? While it’s difficult to provide a definitive answer, a rental yield of 5% or higher is generally deemed good, based on the property value. It is important to note that there are two types of rental yield: gross rental yield and net rental yield. Gross rental yields are calculated before expenses, while net rental yield accounts for expenses, including maintenance and management fees.

In Australia, investment properties typically yield between 8-16% for short term high rental yields, 4-6% for long term high rental yields and between 2-4% for low rental yields. The highest rental yield suburbs can offer even better returns. However, location is a key factor in determining rental yield, and the current super-boom has decreased rental yields as a result of the increase in asset values.

With this in mind, let’s now explore the top Australian cities for high rental yields.

Top Australian Cities for High Rental Yields

Australia offers a diverse range of cities and suburbs with high rental yields, attracting property investors from across the globe. Among the top contenders are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Hobart, and Darwin. Strong demand, low vacancy rates, infrastructure development, supply restrictions and rental market growth are all potential contributors to high rental yields in the suburbs. These factors can be beneficial for those looking to maximize their return on investment.

Let’s delve deeper into each of these cities and their promising rental yield suburbs.


Sydney, the capital of New South Wales, is known for its high property prices and competitive rental market. While the rental yield in Sydney is approximately 2.7%, the Central Coast region offers promising rental yields for both houses and units. Just an hour south of the bustling metropolis, the Central Coast boasts beautiful beaches and a more relaxed lifestyle, making it a popular destination for those seeking a sea change.

In recent years, the Central Coast has seen increasing demand for rental properties, driving up rental yields in the area. With a combination of stunning natural beauty and a growing trend towards remote working, the Central Coast is a prime location for property investors seeking high rental yields in Sydney.


Melbourne, the capital city of Victoria, has a diverse rental market with various suburbs offering high rental yields. SQM Research data reveals that in Melbourne, houses have a gross rental yield of 2.5%, while units have a higher yield of 3.4%. Rental prices have decreased in light of border closures and lockdowns, but they are anticipated to rise once international borders reopen.

When it comes to rental yields in Melbourne, the inner suburbs have the highest returns for units, while the west is better suited for houses. As Melbourne continues to grow and evolve, property investors can benefit from the diverse range of investment options and high rental yield suburbs across the city.


Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, is a thriving city with a robust rental market. The Ipswich and Moreton Bay areas, in particular, are known to offer attractive rental yields for both houses and units. These areas have experienced significant growth in recent years, thanks to their proximity to the Brisbane CBD and the development of several cultural institutions, such as the Archerfield Airport.

As Brisbane continues to expand and attract new residents, the rental market in these high-yield suburbs is expected to remain strong. With a combination of affordable property prices and high rental yields, Brisbane presents an excellent opportunity for property investors seeking high rental yield suburbs in Australia.


Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, is renowned for its vibrant culture, stunning beaches, and prestigious wine regions. As of June 2021, the average gross rental yield for houses and units in Adelaide is 4.2% and 5.3%, respectively. Gentrification is currently taking place in the suburbs of Elizabeth and Salisbury, resulting in improved rental yields for both houses and units.

As Adelaide continues to grow and attract new residents, the rental market in these high-yield suburbs is expected to remain strong. With a combination of affordable property prices and high rental yields, Adelaide presents an excellent opportunity for property investors seeking high rental yield suburbs in Australia.


Perth, the capital of Western Australia, boasts the highest rental yields for units in Australia, with a gross rental yield of 3.9%. Suburbs south of the city, such as Banksia Grove, are increasing in value and offer high rental yields. In fact, the rental growth rate in Banksia Grove is over 22%.

As Perth continues to grow and attract new residents, the rental market in these high-yield suburbs is expected to remain strong. With a combination of affordable property prices and high rental yields, Perth presents an excellent opportunity for property investors seeking high rental yield suburbs in Australia.


Canberra, the capital of Australia, has a rental market that favors units, with Wright offering better returns than Gungahlin. The median rental price for units in Canberra City is $640 per week, with weekly asking rents just north of $700.

Canberra is a strong rental market with a diverse range of rental properties available. Investors seeking high rental yield suburbs in Australia should consider Canberra’s promising rental market and the opportunities it presents for property investment.


Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, has a balanced rental market, with median values for houses and units being comparable. The rental yield for houses in Hobart is currently 2.90%, with an average median rent of $580 per week. Hobart has experienced the highest rate of rent growth in Australia, making it an attractive location for property investors seeking high rental yield suburbs.

As Hobart continues to grow and attract new residents, the rental market in this picturesque city is expected to remain strong. With a combination of affordable property prices and high rental yields, Hobart presents an excellent opportunity for property investors seeking high rental yield suburbs in Australia.


Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory, has the highest rental yield among Australian suburbs. The rental market in Darwin is known to provide high yields, with Rapid Creek and Zuccoli being particularly attractive options.

Darwin’s rental market offers high yields, particularly in suburbs like Rapid Creek and Zuccoli, with experts indicating that the spikes in rental yield will likely remain throughout the year. As Darwin continues to grow and attract new residents, the rental market in these high-yield suburbs is expected to remain strong.

With a combination of affordable property prices and high rental yields, Darwin presents an excellent opportunity for property investors seeking high rental yield suburbs in Australia.

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Best Rental Yield Suburbs in Each State

Now that we’ve explored the top cities for high rental yields in Australia, let’s take a closer look at the best rental yield suburbs in each state. These suburbs offer exceptional investment opportunities for property investors seeking high rental yields and consistent rental income. By focusing on the best rental yield suburbs in each state, investors can ensure they’re making informed decisions that maximize their returns.

From South Hedland in Western Australia to Rapid Creek in the Northern Territory, the best rental yield suburbs in each state offer a diverse range of investment options for property investors. By understanding the factors affecting rental yields and analyzing market trends, investors can make informed decisions and build a profitable property portfolio.

Factors Affecting Rental Yield in Australia

Several factors can impact rental yields in Australia, with location being a key determinant. Property type, market conditions, and demographics also play a significant role in influencing rental yields. For example, areas that are close to amenities, transport links, and schools typically have higher rental yields due to increased demand for rental properties.

In addition to these factors, property investors should also consider the potential for capital growth, the cost of maintenance and repairs, and the local rental market when assessing rental yield. By understanding the factors affecting rental yields and keeping a close eye on market trends, property investors can make informed decisions and maximize their returns.

Tips for Maximizing Your Rental Yield

To maximize your rental yield, there are several strategies to consider. First, focus on selecting the right investment property in high-demand locations. This can help ensure consistent rental income and strong capital growth. Additionally, effective property management is essential for maximizing rental yield. Establishing clear expectations for tenants, promptly responding to maintenance requests, and regularly providing updates on rental payments can help keep your property in high demand and maintain a consistent rental yield.

Another important aspect of maximizing rental yield is understanding market trends and how they impact rental yields. By analyzing rental market trends, investors can identify high-yield opportunities and make informed decisions that ensure consistent rental income. Armed with this knowledge, property investors can successfully build a profitable property portfolio that generates strong returns.

How to Analyze Rental Market Trends

Analyzing rental market trends is crucial for property investors looking to maximize their rental yields. To study rental market trends, investors should research the local market, gain an understanding of current rental rates, and monitor the competition. Additionally, staying abreast of any changes in the local rental market, such as new developments or changes in the local economy, is essential.

By understanding rental market trends and their impact on rental yields, investors can identify high-yield opportunities and make informed property investment decisions. This knowledge can help investors stay ahead of the curve and ensure their property portfolio remains profitable in the ever-changing rental market landscape.

Case Studies: Success Stories of High Rental Yield Investments

There are numerous success stories of high rental yield investments in Australia. For example, a couple in Sydney experienced a considerable increase in the value of their property investments thanks to their focus on high rental yield suburbs and effective property management strategies.

Another example is the growing popularity of commercial properties as a desirable real estate investment. These properties are highly sought-after due to their capacity to generate increased cash flow and offer a desirable rate of return for real estate investors, typically above 10%.

These case studies showcase the potential for success in high rental yield investments and serve as inspiration for property investors looking to maximize their returns.

Risks and Challenges of Chasing High Rental Yields

While high rental yields can be attractive, it’s important for property investors to be aware of the risks and challenges associated with pursuing these investments. One potential challenge is investing in less desirable areas, which can result in difficulty finding tenants or high turnover rates. Moreover, higher rental yields may come with higher risk and volatility in the market, so it’s essential to evaluate the total return versus the risks a property may involve.

Market fluctuations can also have a considerable influence on rental yields. When the market is robust, rental yields can be greater; however, when the market is weaker, rental yields can be diminished. It’s crucial for property investors to take into account the present market conditions when investing in rental properties and to consider potential property management issues, such as difficulty finding tenants, high turnover rates, and difficulty maintaining the property.

Expert Insights: What Property Investors Should Know About Rental Yield

Experts in the field of property investment emphasize the importance of understanding rental yield and its implications for investment decisions. Rental yield is a measure of the income generated by a property investment, expressed as a percentage of the property’s value. To calculate rental yield, investors should take the annual rental income of a property and divide it by its purchase price or market value. In the case of unit rental yields, the same principle applies, but the calculation is based on individual units within a larger property investment.

When assessing rental yield, property investors should also consider the potential for capital growth, the cost of maintenance and repairs, and the local rental market. By taking these factors into account and staying informed about market trends, property investors can make informed decisions and build a profitable property portfolio that generates strong returns.


In conclusion, understanding rental yield is crucial for property investors looking to build a profitable property portfolio in Australia. By exploring the top cities and suburbs with high rental yields, understanding the factors affecting rental yields, and analyzing market trends, investors can maximize their returns and minimize risks. With the right knowledge, strategies, and a keen eye for market trends, property investors can find success in the dynamic world of property investment and achieve the best rental yield Australia has to offer in 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is good rental yield Australia?

Good rental yields in Australia range from 4-6% for capital city suburbs, 3.5-7% for units, and up to 8% in regional areas. In metropolitan areas, yields typically range from 3-5%, with luxurious properties bringing lower returns.

Regional areas can offer higher yields of over 5% though lower property growth.

What is the best ROI for landlords?

For landlords, the best ROI is typically in the 4-6% range or higher. However, it’s important to remember that ROI is just one aspect of evaluating the profitability of a rental property investment.

It is also important to consider other factors such as the location of the property, the condition of the property, and the rental market in the area. All of these factors can have an impact.

What factors can impact rental yields in Australia?

Location, property type, market conditions, and demographics can all impact rental yields in Australia.

Rental yields can vary significantly depending on the area, the type of property, the current market conditions, and the local demographics. For example, a property in a high-rise building is a property.

How can I maximize my rental yield?

Focus on selecting a high-demand investment property, and practice effective property management to maximize rental yield.

Research the local market to identify the most profitable areas for rental properties. Consider the local job market, population growth, and other factors that could influence rental demand.

Look for patterns.

How can I analyze rental market trends?

To analyze rental market trends, research the local market to understand current rental rates and monitor competitors. This will help you stay informed of shifts in the rental market.

A very good way is to engage a professional Property Investment Advisor or better Property Investment Strategist.