Unlock the Power of Home Equity: How to Use Equity to Invest and Buy Property

Have you ever thought about the untapped potential lying within your own home? The equity in your property can be a powerful tool for achieving financial goals and creating new investment opportunities.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of home equity, how to access and leverage it, and the importance of seeking professional advice to make informed decisions. Get ready to unlock the power of your home equity!

Key Takeaways

  • Understand how home equity works and use it to reach financial goals.
  • Calculate your usable equity by taking into account various factors such as income, debts, etc.
  • Leverage home equity through property investment or refinancing while being aware of the risks and considerations.

Understanding Home Equity

Home equity is more than just a number on paper; it represents a wealth of possibilities for financial growth and stability. As you pay off your home loan and as your property value appreciates, you build equity in your home that can be used to invest in property, make home improvements, or achieve other financial objectives.

But how exactly does equity work, and how can it be used effectively? Let’s explore this in detail.

What is Home Equity?

The appraised value of your property is a major factor in home equity. It is the difference between the appraised value and the outstanding balance on your home loan. It represents the ownership stake you have in your property as your mortgage payments reduce the loan balance and the property value appreciates over time.

But the real power of home equity comes from leveraging it for various financial purposes. Factors such as income, the number of children, and general living expenses all play a role in determining how much equity you can access.

Optimal strategies and guidance from Home Lending Specialists, enable homeowners to utilize their equity for property investment, portfolio diversification with managed funds, or achieving other financial ambitions.

How to Calculate Home Equity

Home equity calculation is straightforward. It involves subtracting the outstanding mortgage balance from the current market value of your property.

However, personal circumstances, such as income and expenses, should be taken into account when determining accessible equity.

Armed with the knowledge of your available equity, you can make informed decisions on how to best utilize it. Whether you’re looking to buy an investment property, renovate your existing home, or consolidate debt, understanding your home equity can pave the way toward achieving your financial goals.

Accessing Usable Equity

Usable equity is the portion of your home equity that can be accessed and borrowed against, depending on your ability to repay and other factors such as your income and expenses. By tapping into your usable equity, you can unlock a world of financial opportunities and achieve your goals.

But what is the calculation and utilization process for this powerful resource? Let’s delve deeper.

How to Calculate Usable Equity

To determine your usable equity, follow these steps:

  • Calculate the maximum loan-to-value ratio (LVR), which is generally 80% of your property value.
  • Subtract the outstanding loan balance from this amount.
  • The result is your usable equity, which can be leveraged for investment or other purposes.

Note that lenders will take into account factors such as:

  • income
  • number of dependents
  • living expenses
  • debts

when determining accessible usable equity. Keep these factors in mind while exploring potential uses of your usable equity.

Potential Uses of Usable Equity

Usable equity can be a versatile financial tool, providing opportunities for property investment, home renovations, and debt consolidation. For instance, you can use your usable equity as a deposit on an investment property, allowing you to enter the property market without needing to save a large cash deposit.

When considering using your usable equity for property investment, be sure to seek professional advice from financial advisers and registered tax agents to:

  • Understand the tax implications
  • Ensure you’re making the most of your equity
  • Navigate the complexities of leveraging your usable equity
  • Make informed decisions

They can help guide you towards making the most of your equity.

Strategies for Leveraging Home Equity

Leveraging your home equity is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Different strategies can be employed to suit your financial goals and personal circumstances.

In this section, we’ll examine two popular strategies for leveraging home equity: property investment and refinancing.


Property Investment

Property investment is a powerful way for property investors to build wealth and secure their financial future by utilizing their home equity to purchase additional properties. By leveraging their equity as a deposit or for renovations, they can potentially increase the value of their investment property and generate rental income.

However, the risks and potential financial commitment associated with property investment should not be overlooked. Consulting a financial adviser and understanding the tax implications can equip you with the necessary knowledge and guidance for decision-making in your property investment journey.


Refinancing your home loan is another strategy for accessing and leveraging your home equity. By refinancing to a new mortgage with a larger loan amount, you can access your home equity and use the remaining funds for various purposes, such as property investment or home renovations.

Before embarking on refinancing, consider the potential benefits and risks, such as potential lower interest rates or better loan features, alongside the costs of refinancing and potential impact on your financial situation. A financial adviser can assist in navigating these considerations and help determine if refinancing is the suitable strategy for leveraging your home equity.

Risks and Considerations

Though leveraging home equity can provide financial opportunities, potential risks and considerations involved should not be ignored. Market fluctuations, financial commitment, and the need for professional advice are all critical factors when using home equity.

Let’s examine these risks in more depth.

Market Fluctuations

Market fluctuations can have a significant impact on property values and, in turn, your home equity. These fluctuations can lead to various risks, such as:

  • Interest rate risk
  • Equity price risk
  • Foreign exchange risk
  • Commodity risk

These risks can potentially result in losses from investments due to unfavorable price movements in the market.

To mitigate the risks associated with market fluctuations, investors can employ strategies such as diversifying investments, hedging, and implementing stop-loss orders. By staying informed and taking proactive measures, you can better navigate the uncertainties of the market and protect your home equity.

Financial Commitment

Borrowing against your home equity amplifies your financial commitment and the associated risk, which could influence your ability to repay loans and maintain property ownership. Careful assessment of your financial situation is required before taking on additional debt, such as an existing home loan or an investment loan, and it is advisable to consult a financial adviser for guidance on managing these risks.

Taking a thorough look at your financial circumstances and seeking professional advice can help you make well-informed decisions when leveraging your home equity. This way, you can utilize your equity in a responsible manner and avoid potential pitfalls.

Consulting Professional Advice

As you explore the world of home equity, seeking professional advice is essential to making informed decisions and managing potential risks. Financial advisers and registered tax agents can provide valuable guidance on leveraging home equity and understanding tax implications.

Let’s examine the roles these professionals fulfill in more depth.

Financial Advisers

Financial advisers play a crucial role in helping you optimally leverage your home equity and manage the associated risks. They can assist in identifying the most effective strategies for utilizing home equity for investment purposes, such as property investment or debt consolidation, and provide counsel on the potential tax consequences.

By offering guidance on:

  • accessing available equity
  • potential applications of available equity
  • strategies for utilizing home equity
  • associated risks and considerations

financial advisers can help you navigate the complexities of leveraging your home equity and guide you toward making informed decisions.

Tax Implications

When using home equity for property investment, it’s important to be aware of the tax implications, such as capital gains tax and negative gearing. These factors can significantly impact your financial situation and investment returns, making it essential to consult a registered tax agent for guidance.

A tax advisor can help you with valuable tax advice to:

  • Understand the precise tax implications based on your circumstances
  • Ensure that you’re making the most of your home equity
  • Effectively navigate the tax landscape
  • Make informed decisions as you leverage your home equity for investment purposes.
Find out your borrow capacity

Building and Increasing Home Equity

Having explored the concept of home equity and its leverage, it’s time to discuss active methods to build and increase your home equity. Regular mortgage repayments and home improvements stand as two key strategies for home equity growth.

Let’s examine these methods in more detail.




Mortgage Repayments

Making additional mortgage repayments or refinancing for better loan terms can help increase your home equity by reducing the outstanding loan balance and potentially lowering interest rates. Regular mortgage repayments not only help you save on interest over the term of your mortgage but can also help you pay off your mortgage faster, potentially reducing the term of the loan.

By making extra repayments, you can reduce the amount of interest you are charged on your mortgage and build your home equity more quickly. This can provide you with greater financial flexibility and open up new opportunities to leverage your equity for investment purposes, such as considering an interest-only loan.

Home Improvements

Home improvements, such as renovations or extensions, can significantly increase your property’s value, and subsequently, your home equity. By investing in remodeling and home improvement projects, you can enhance your property’s appeal and functionality, potentially leading to higher property values and greater equity.

Examples of home improvements that can increase your home equity include kitchen upgrades, bathroom renovations, and expansions or additions to your property. By carefully planning and executing these projects, you can maximize the return on your investment and boost your home equity, providing you with more financial opportunities to leverage.


In conclusion, home equity is a powerful financial resource that can be leveraged to achieve various financial goals, such as property investment, home renovations, and debt consolidation. Understanding how to calculate and access usable equity, employing effective strategies for leveraging home equity, and seeking professional advice are all critical aspects of successfully utilizing this financial tool. As you embark on your journey to unlock the power of home equity, remember that informed decisions and prudent planning can pave the way to financial success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is home equity in Australia?

Home equity in Australia is the difference between your property’s current value and the amount of your home loan that is still outstanding. For example, if your home is worth $700,000 and you still owe $300,000, your home equity would be $400,000.

Can you withdraw equity from your home?

Yes, you can withdraw equity from your home by cashing out the equity you have built up. You can borrow up to 80% or release up to 90% of the property value, minus what you owe on it, depending on the purpose for which you are using the funds.

How does equity work in a house?

Equity in a house is the difference between its current market value and the remaining balance on the home loan. For example, if your home is worth $400,000 and you owe $220,000, then you have $180,000 in equity which may be used as security with banks.

How do I calculate how much usable equity I have in my property?

Calculate your usable equity by determining the maximum loan-to-value ratio (LVR), which is generally 80% of your property value, and subtracting the outstanding loan balance from this amount. This provides you with the usable equity you can leverage for investments or other purposes.

What are some potential uses of usable equity?

Usable equity can be a great asset for investing in property, home renovations, or debt consolidation.