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What appears to be straightforward on the surface is actually very complex and is difficult to navigate to ensure that you are firstly protected and secondly not inadvertently breaking any laws or regulations.  For that reason, it is always recommended that you see a registered qualified, well trained in their area of expertise.

We are able to provide you with a list of who we consider leaders in their area.  Just contact us.  Click here to ask us.

Australian Securities and Investments
Commission (ASIC)

An excellent resource providing great tips and ideas.  There are plenty of free tools to help you understand your financial position.  It provides many good suggestions and is well worth looking at and does provide very good guidance of what to do.

1300 300 630

Australian Tax Office (ATO)

A crucial part of investing is to be aware of all tax implications currently and in the future.  The ATO provides everything about Property Tax and SMSF. Tax is very complex and it is always recommended to see a Tax Specialist.


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)

APRA provides and independent governance for the financial and superannuation industry. They are active in the marketplace.  If you have any issues contact them via their website.

1300 558 849

Small Independent Super Funds Association (SISFA)

An important site for those who are managing their own Superfund. It provides a voice of individuals to Governments and Regulators that a single person does not have.  This group is worthwhile to provide to avoid large corporates dictating the superannuation industry.


Key Articles

We have created some must-read articles.  These are regularly updated.  Enoy

A Comprehensive Guide to Property Investor Tips in 2023

State Departments of Fair Trading

Every state and territory, provide information on property purchasing, selling, building, ownership, rental and tenancy rights. Definitely worth looking at.

www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au
www.commerce.wa.gov.au www.consumer.vic.gov.au
www.cbs.sa.gov.au www.consumeraffairs.nt.gov.au

State Departments of Fair Trading

Every state and territory, provide information on property purchasing, selling, building, ownership, rental and tenancy rights. Definitely worth looking at.


Self Managed Super Fund Association 

The SMSF Association is a professional association across Australia to continually improve Advisors knowledge and build creditability in the industry. Their associate provides considerable amount of useful information.


Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA)

A very comprehensive website providing exhaustive information on superannuation.  They are a major contributor to the way superannuation is managed in Australia.

(02) 9264 9300

Understanding What Is Stamp Duty: A Complete Guide to Property Transfer Taxes

Understanding What Is Stamp Duty: A Complete Guide to Property Transfer Taxes

If you’re purchasing property, understanding “what is stamp duty” is crucial. This tax affects your total buying cost and varies across regions, depending on the property’s value. Our article demystifies what is stamp duty, detailing how it’s calculated, when it’s...

Unlocking the Potential of Real Estate Investors Trust: A Smart Investment Strategy

Unlocking the Potential of Real Estate Investors Trust: A Smart Investment Strategy

The term ‘real estate investors trust’ refers to REITs, which present a compelling choice for investors looking to access real estate markets without owning physical properties. This article examines how REITs offer a collective investment structure that yields...