Loan Comparison Calculator
Use this Loan Refinance Analysis Calculator when you are thinking of changing loan providers.
To make the comparison, we need a few key pieces of information. Please provide the following details for each loan option you want to compare:
Loan amount: The total amount you plan to borrow.
Interest rate: The annual interest rate offered by the lender.
Original Loan term: The length of the loan in years or months.
Repayment Frequency: Either weekly or monthly
Months Paid: How monthly repayments
Mortgage Annual Fees: The current fees paid
New Mortgage Amount: The new amount to be borrowed
New Term: The length of the term of the loan
Repayment Frequency: This may impact the overall loans repayments and fees
New Mortgage Annual Fees: There often is additional administration fees charged
Application Fees: There may/will be a range of potential fees
Exit Fees: Often there are exit fees to discharging the original loan
Once you provide the details for each loan option, I can calculate and compare the monthly payments, total interest paid, and other relevant information.
Please note, that this should be checked by your Financial Advisor.