Basic Property Investment Returns Calculator
To calculate the returns on a property investment, we need some information. Here are the key factors you’ll need to consider:
Purchase Price: The price at which you bought the property.
Current Market Value: The value of the current property.. Send us note and we can let you know
Expenses as a percentage: The annual expenses associated with the property, including property taxes, insurance, maintenance costs, property management fees, and any other relevant costs.
Expected number of years before Selling: This impacts the value of the property
First Year Holding: This is particularly important when purchasing off the plan
Estimated Selling Fee: This is typically between 1-2%
Total Return on Investment (ROI): This is the overall return on investment, combining rental income and capital growth. It is calculated using the formula: (Net Rental Yield + Capital Growth Rate) * Holding Period.
Keep in mind that this calculator provides estimates and does not account for factors like inflation, fluctuations in property prices, and unexpected expenses. It’s always advisable to consult with a financial advisor or conduct detailed research before making any investment decisions.
Let me know if you have the necessary information, and I can help you calculate the return.