Our Market View
Read our weekly emails that we send out to our community of followers.
Sept 2024 - Divorced
This message is for you if you’re divorced.
You see, I’m divorced and have been for a long time.
And yes, I know how emotionally draining it can be.
But it’s not just the emotional side which stings.
Because after the roller coaster of feelings slows down, another issue raises its ugly head.
Whether you like it or not, you’ve now got the money and assets that once supported and sustained one household, and now supporting two.
And it’s ugly, whichever way you look at it.
Suddenly, there might be a big chunk of money in your bank account, but there is no income.
Maybe a huge reduction in your super.
Or not having enough assets to retire from, flipping your plans of retiring early to retiring late. Especially once all the lawyers get their grubby hands on it.
All sorts of money problems.
And in my experience, in most relationships, there’s one money partner calling the shots and one who is passive about money.
If you weren’t the money partner, you could find yourself with big decisions to make, and without the skills to make them.
I’ve been through it before, and I’ve helped lots of people through it too.
And I’d like to offer you some time to give you some ideas and advice.
Even if your divorce was a long time ago, there are still some steps you can take to brighten your future.
Getting your life back on track after a divorce is tough, but with the right direction you could end up even better off than before.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. These calls are going to be with me personally, not one of my strategists.
Helping people get back on their feet after a relationship breakdown is something very close to my heart.
18 Jun 2023 - Why the boom is the WRONG reason to invest
I know it’s been a while since I sent you an email.
But I’ve decided this has to change, and I’m going to keep in touch with you more often now.
And the reason is that I’ve been talking to a lot of people about property investing.
And something’s occurred to me.
It’s that a lot of the people I talk to are investing for the wrong reasons.
And if you do, investing can be a bad idea.
Sure, there’s lots of people pushing the notion of investing because of booming house prices.
Except for me …
… the boom is the wrong reason to invest.
There’s one element which stands heads and shoulders above all that, and it’s being ignored.
In my experience, it’s the one factor which decides whether you’re going to be a hugely successful investor, or whether your investing journey will go nowhere like 90% of investors.
You see, the actual investment isn’t the most important bit.
Neither is the potential to cash in on some quick growth.
The proper reason to invest is because of how it helps you hit your life goals.
Sure, you might make some quicker gains right now.
But if it’s just a random investment and not part of a wider strategy then it probably won’t go very far.
Most people who are investing today will sell out once they think they could get more money somewhere else.
They’ll have pocketed some cash, but not really done much for their life in the long term.
Let me tell you a story about this.
I talked to a young girl recently about investing.
She was keen to get into the market.
But when we spoke, we both realised that she didn’t really know why.
Her parents invested so much in her family it was ‘the done thing’.
So we spent at least an hour and a half on the phone going through all this, and surprisingly …
… we barely spoke about investing at all for most of the call.
Instead we talked about her life. We talked about what the next few years looked like for her.
Kids, marriage, career, travel.
We knew where she was going.
But the property she was eying off wasn’t going to help her with any of these goals.
In fact, apart from that we barely even talked about houses at all.
And the reason is, there was no point talking about actual houses until she got crystal clear on what her goals were.
After this, we got to designing an investing strategy to help support her goals.
And it’s the same with all investors.
Some people have a huge mortgage to pay off and there’s various ways to help this.
Others need higher cashflow to supplement or replace their income.
Others might be on a good wage but want an early retirement strategy.
Planning to start a family or having a family already can mean totally different ways of investing.
Kids left home? Different strategies again.
Once you’re clear on your life goals, you design your investing strategy around them so they support and help you go forward.
This is why I say that for most people, investing because there’s a boom is pointless.
If it’s not supporting a clearly defined set of life goals then it’s just a random purchase.
And this is why investors fail in the long term.
Their investments aren’t strategic. They’re just random purchases which don’t fall into a strategy.
And because they don’t have a place in the investor’s strategy – or more often they don’t have an actual strategy – they just hang around achieving very little until the investor decides to cash in their chips and sell.
This is why I always work with my clients on their strategy first.
How old are you?
What do you see happening in your life in the next 2, 5, 10, and 20 years?
What would you really want if they could wave a magic wand and make your dreams come true?
And from there, we can put together a plan for what they should be investing in, and how each investment sets up the next investment.
And of course, how all these investments sit alongside their goals to help make them come true.
With all this in mind, I’m going to keep in touch with you every week from now on.
I’m going to make sure you’re getting a different perspective on property investing which nobody else is talking about.
And which is, in my mind – the most important yet overlooked part of successful investing.
Talk soon,
P.S. This has inspired me to completely rebrand my business as the Strategic Investor.
There’s a new website and more importantly, a new online masterclass coming which takes you through all this.
In the meantime though, if you want to talk about your goals and explore how property and investing in general can help you then hit reply with your phone number and I’ll give you a call.
11 Jun 2023 - Why King Charles doesn’t kill people these days
Happy Birthday Charlie!
It’s the King’s Birthday today.
Yes, today’s the sleep-in formerly known as the Queen’s Birthday.
Do you know how Charlie can afford the upkeep of a string of castles around the UK, his string of royal cars, and all those funny robes?
Well, in the old days, the king would just announce a new tax to pay for his upkeep.
And if anyone refused to pay it …
… he’d get his ‘compliance officer’ to go around there and lop their head off.
Well, those days are long gone. And no matter how nostalgic you feel about them, they’re not coming back.
Fortunately for Charlie, he’s got another source of income.
The royal family owns The Crown Estate, one of the most valuable property portfolios in the world.
It contains everything from extravagant palaces and castles to humble bed and breakfasts.
And some enormous commercial real estate including farms, retail parks, and even shopping centers.
It even includes the world-famous Regent Street!
You should be, because Charles is now the owner of a real estate portfolio estimated to be at least $33 billion.
And he lives off the rent.
So if it’s good enough for the King, it’s good enough for you.
And since you’re probably not about to inherit a multi-billion dollar real estate portfolio, you’ll just have to get one started yourself.
My team and I are running FREE property strategy sessions over the next couple of weeks.
And we want to show you how you can do what the royals have done and create a real estate portfolio that replaces your income.
Then book a time with us and we’ll take you through it.
There’s no cost for this and it could give you a solution to wanting to invest, without needing to lose money every month from negative gearing.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. You might be wondering why there’s no cost for this.
The reason is simple.
If we can show you a way to replace your income permanently through real estate then you might choose our help to implement it.
6 Jun 2023 - Should you pay off your home before you invest?
It’s one of the biggest questions people ask me.
“Should we pay off our home before investing?”
And the answer is simple.
There’s no reason to pay off your home first. And it’s better if you don’t wait.
I can understand if you don’t want two loans straining your household budget.
But this doesn’t have to be the case.
There are ways to invest that put money in your pocket every month.
And you’ll be in a better position cash flow-wise than if you waited.
(How’s that for a paradigm shift?)
And that’s a huge help as rates keep marching upward, right?
Or it can help you overcome inflation by giving you more cash … and spending power.
And all the while …
… you’ve got TWO houses going up in value, making you wealthier and wealthier.
And that’s the other thing I’ll go through with you.
The sooner you get your first investment property, the sooner you’ve got an extra house going up in value and making you wealthier.
If you got a $700,000 investment property today and it doubled in 10 years, you’d be $700,000 wealthier by then.
But if you waited a decade until you paid your home loan off, you’d have missed out on all that money.
In fact, as your home and your first investment property go up in value, you can use this new equity to invest in more properties.
You could potentially be retired from your portfolio in that time.
But if you wait, what have you got to show for it?
No extra wealth … and you’re 10 years older.
So listen, if you’ve got big goals and ambitions for your life you can’t afford to wait.
The sooner you start, the sooner you’re on your way.
This week I’d like to offer you some time with one of our strategists to show you how this works.
Just straight talk about what’s possible, and no pressure to do anything so you’re calling the shots.
There’s no cost for this.
All I ask is if you like the strategy they show you, you consider asking us to help you implement it.
Either way, it’s up to you.
Let us show you how it works and what’s possible.
To your future success,
P.S. I’ve got one simple thing to ask you as a favour.
If you book a time with us, please make sure you’re available.
Our team works very hard with all our clients, and we’re giving you our time at no cost.
And if you need to reschedule, please let us know.
16 May 2023 - Delayed gratification … sucks
Delayed gratification might be noble.
But it sucks.
The idea is you can lose money on an investment which is going up in value, and the increase in value of your property offsets your cash flow losses.
In other words, you’d happily lose $500 a month if you got a house which went up $30,000 in a year.
And OK, there’s some logic in that.
After all, it’s a small sacrifice today to have more tomorrow.
In other words … delayed gratification.
But the world’s moved on.
There’s reasons for this way of thinking too.
First, cash flow is as tight as a duck’s bum for most people today.
Interest rates continue to climb month after month and the cost of living is out of control.
Meanwhile, wages have barely moved.
And it’s no surprise that 71% of people never get beyond their first investment property.
The expense of owning it just isn’t worth it when you’ve got a family to feed.
This is why we’re often finding properties which are cashflow positive for our clients.
It means you won’t be out of pocket every month and your household finances won’t take a hit.
There doesn’t need to be decisions made over whether you buy that bottle of wine this week.
Or whether you’ll holiday closer to home this summer.

16 May 2023 - It’s a shame for you not to make money when this happens
This story’s an oldie, but a goodie.
There’s a kid who gets sent to work in the horse stables.
It’s his first job so his boss gives him the nastiest, dirtiest job he can think of.
The boss comes back half an hour later to check on the kid, but instead of complaining about the back-breaking labour and the stench …
… the kid’s got a huge smile on his face and he’s singing away.
His boss asks him why he’s so damn cheerful.
And the kid replies …
“With this amount of horse poo, there’s gotta be a pony in here somewhere!”
Why am I telling you this?
Good question actually.
It seemed like a good way of telling you that industry experts are saying house prices won’t really rebound until all the uncertainty of interest rates are out of the way.
Bad news. Doom and gloom.
The usual!
Because the other way to read this message is that rate increases are nearly over.
There’s a boom coming.
And you can get on the front foot and get into the market now, knowing you’ll be riding this wave all the way to the top.
As an investor, your job is to go beyond the surface to understand what’s really going on.
And put together a game plan to turn it into a winner.
So when you want to play the smart game, let’s talk and I’ll show you how.
There are huge gains to be made just by thinking like that kid in the horse stables.
And unlike him, there really is something exciting about to emerge from all the doom and gloom.
Book a call with me and I’ll show you how.
To your future success,
P.S. Before you book a call, I want to let you know that this call is different.
I won’t even suggest what you should do until I know more about you.
The first thing we’re going to do is figure out the best strategy for you personally going forward because everyone’s different.
And this way you’ll get the outcome you want faster.
11 May 2023 - The budget’s biggest, scariest number is also the most exciting
I knew it was big.
But I didn’t know exactly how huge it would be.
And one number from the budget means urgent action is required from you.
That number is 700,000 which is the number of immigrants expected to head here between now and the end of next year.
This means, if you own real estate you’re in the box seat because all these cashed-up immigrants are going to be squabbling over the tiny amount of real estate they can find.
To put this into context, the average household size in Australia is 2.5 people.
And this means another 280,000 houses will be needed.
To add insult to injury, the ANZ has put our housing shortfall at 250,000 homes already.
But given we’re on track for 153,000 this year, in the next 18 months, we’ll only build around 230,000 houses.
If we’re lucky with all the builders going bust at the moment.
And that’s way too few by miles.
Because you see, a lot of these new builds will be knock-down and rebuilds.
Others will be holiday homes or AirBNBs.
Plenty will be for population growth from our existing people too.
The point is, our housing market simply won’t be able to cope.
And that’s why this is urgent.
Right now you can get houses at excellent prices.
The market has bottomed out right now.
But soon rates are going to go into reverse.
And at the same time, we’ll be swamped with new Aussies looking for somewhere to live.
As more immigrants arrive, there’ll be less stock available for investors and more competition for any house which comes up.
This means the next few months are a golden opportunity to get in and get set before it all begins.
You can delay until then if you want.
But if you do you’ll be fighting for real estate with everyone else.
And, you’ll pay a lot more than you would now.
On the other hand, you can see what your options are and get set with the perfect investment (or two) before everything moves.
Let’s chat about it.
You can book a time with me by clicking here.
We’ll talk about where you’re at and what might be possible for you.
And then my team and I will put together a strategy which is unique to your circumstances and goals to get you there.
No cost either.
We’re only looking at what’s possible for you.
Be quick though because things are going to move fast, and you won’t want to miss out on this.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. You might want to invest but you’re scared of high interest rates costing you too much money.
I get you.
We’ve developed a number of strategies for investors with returns that are higher than your interest and costs.
In other words, instead of being the victim of high-interest rates and inflation, you’re actually going to have more income thanks to your investment.
Curious to know how this could work for you?
Then click here and book a time with me and I’ll take you through your options
14 April 2023 - The case against real estate investing
If you invest with MOST real estate companies you’re almost certainly being taken for a ride.
All they do is push you into negatively geared, overpriced house and land packages miles from anywhere.
And this means, not only is your investment barely going up in value …
… it’s costing you money each month.
(Yay! You get a tax deduction, but when you have to lose $1 to get 35 cents back it kind of stops making sense).
So if you’re talking to these clowns, there’s a strong case for NOT doing anything at all.
There are lots of different ways to invest.
From new and old houses, apartments, townhouses, duplexes, airBNB, even NDIS and defense housing.
Each has its merits and its drawbacks.
But I can guarantee you there will be one which fits your current situation like a glove.
We take the time to work out what’s best for you.
No cost, just a chance to see if we’re a good fit for each other.
One thing though, if you can grab a price estimate for your house it’ll be a big help for when we chat.
Click the button, enter your details and I’ll send the report to you.
Then I’ll give you a call and we’ll set up a time to go through it properly.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. Yes there are a few different ways to invest.
But you won’t be tied into one strategy forever.
Sometimes you’ll use one strategy to get yourself to a different type of property next.
What we do is create a 5-year plan to get you to your goal faster, and it often uses different types of properties.
Anyway, I’ll explain when we talk.
14 April 2023 - Property investing can BEAT interest rate rises?
Anyone with a brain knows that property owners are suffering right now.
The more houses you have, the more you’re getting pounded by interest rate rises and inflation.
Well, most of the time anyway.
Only it doesn’t have to be this way.
There are ways to use real estate to get ahead of interest rate rises and inflation.
You use a special type of strategy where your income from the property exceeds your expenses.
It’s pretty simple, but most people don’t get past negative gearing.
Only it’s not negative gearing where you lose money every month.
It’s the opposite.
You invest … and now you’ve got more income every month.
The more you invest, the higher your income.
And that’s what investing should be about, right?
This means if you’ve got a mortgage and it’s killing you then this takes the pressure off.
Or if the cost of living is driving you to the brink, this can give you more money to spend each month.
Yes, it’s totally the opposite of what you’ve always been told about real estate investing.
But it’s real and it works.
Listen, this isn’t for everyone.
There are a whole range of strategies, and everyone’s situation and goals are different.
But for the current market, these cashflow strategies might be perfect.
Anyway, I don’t tell people what they should be doing unless I’ve spoken to them to make sure it’s the right thing.
So let’s set up a time to see what works for you.
First things first, so I know your current situation, can you get an estimated price on your current home?
When we talk, we can use this data to get a rough idea of what’s possible for you.
Put your details in and I’ll send you a report with an estimated value of your property. And then I’ll give you a call to set up a time to go through your options.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. If case you have an investment property instead of a home you live in, put that address in and I’ll get a report on that one for you instead.
Either way, it’ll give me a good indication of where you stand.
9 Mar 2023 - Insane crowd only proves real estate is where the action is
If you were wondering if real estate is still where the action is, you should have been in Surry Hills in Sydney last week.
Over one lunchtime, a 2 bedroom apartment was opened up for viewing with …
… over 100 desperate renters lining up for a chance to see inside.
That’s a crush not seen since the Ed Sheerin concert at the MCG.
In fact, it was so crowded that potential renters couldn’t even see what the place was really like.
And even though the asking rent is $720 a week, chances are the landlord will snag at least $820 a week because applicants know to offer $100 a week more if they want to be considered.
Now, if you think this is an exception, think again.
Would be renters are cramming themselves into house inspections all over the country.
And rents are through the roof.
Tough it you’re a renter.
But if you’re an investor it’s your time to bring in the money.
The question is … could you join this party?
Well, there’s a way of finding out.
I’m offering you a FREE price estimate for your house.
Nobody needs to go through your home.
And it’s surprisingly accurate.
All you have to do is click the button below, enter your details and your address, and we’ll run the report and send it to you.
Then to find out where you stand, reply and let me know how much you owe on it and I can use these two numbers to see how much you might be able to get your hands on to invest.
Naturally, it depends on other factors.
But it’s still a good first-up indication of what’s possible.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. It sounds greedy to be talking about making all this money.
But the reality is, that’s just how it is right now.
You didn’t create this situation.
You didn’t cause the housing shortage.
But since it exists, you may as well take advantage of it while the going’s good.
And you’ll be putting a roof over someone’s head at the same time.
22 Mar 2023 - Before you get angry at Albo … do this
There’s been red-hot rage at Albo and the government lately as they double the tax rate on super funds worth over $3 million.
But before you get the pitchfork out and light the straw torch … make sure your anger is directed at the right place.
And by that I mean …
… if your super isn’t on track to be over $3 million … don’t get angry about a tax cut which won’t affect you.
Get angry about your personal situation instead.
And do something so you WILL have over $3 million in there.
(Then sharpen the pitchfork!)
I’m showing people how it can be done all the time.
What it takes is the right mindset, strategy, and dedication.
However, there’s one more ingredient.
If you start one year from now, it’ll be one more year before you make it.
So don’t sit on your hands.
It’ll make a huge difference down the track.
Let’s find out where you stand right now.
Click the button below to request a FREE house price report.
It’s an estimate produced by Australia’s leading property data company on what your house is worth.
Sure, it’s only an estimate but we can use it as a rough starting point.
Then once you’ve got it, flick me an email with how big your mortgage is and we’ll see what might be possible for you.
To your future prosperity,
15 Mar 2023 - Why investors should ignore interest rate rises
I’m going to take one of Investing’s sacred cows and slaughter it.
It’s that interest rate rises that make it a bad time to invest.
Sure, everyone panics when they go up.
Especially when it’s been 10 hikes in 11 months.
(At least they gave us a break over Christmas).
But the reality is, you shouldn’t pay interest rates as much attention as you do.
Over the life of your investment, rates are going to go up.
And then they’ll go down.
And then they’ll go up … and down again.
Invest when they’re going up and you’ll pay a bit more.
But then you’ll get to enjoy paying less as the cycle reverses.
And next time, because your rents are going up too, it won’t even matter as much when they start rising again.
To me, and to other successful investors, interest rates are just background noise.
They’re just part of a cycle which runs along in the background.
We’re not excited when they go down because we know they’ll go up again soon enough.
But on the other hand, we’re not upset when they go up because we know they’ll fall soon after.
And you can put your worries about rates on the back burner.
Makes you think, right?
To your future prosperity,
P.S. Want to know if you could invest?
Chances are you could be in a position to right now.
First, let’s work out how much equity you have at your disposal.
Click the button below and we’ll send you a FREE property estimate by email.
Then, reply and let me know how much your home loan is against it, and that’ll give us a rough indication of what might be possible.
8 Mar 2023 - The death of Australian real estate?
It was Mark Twain who famously said …
“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”.
It’s the same with real estate.
Despite the hysteria about house prices …
… they only fell 3.9% since their peak in March last year.
Yeah, I know. Why was everyone running about like Chicken Little, screaming about the sky falling?
And that was after a whopping 22% increase the year before.
Now, let me talk to you about something even more important.
Current conditions are a bonanza for investors.
I’ll be quick.
- Cashed-up immigrants will add more fuel to the fire as they fight for the limited supply of houses. Almost 200,000 new migrants are heading here this year.
- Rents are through the roof, with Westpac tipping an 11.5% rise in rents this year. If you’re worried about being negatively geared, don’t be. Especially as …
- … interest rates peak, then drop. Probably as soon as the end of the year
- Supply is still critically low. Materials are being fought over. I heard yesterday that building companies aren’t even waiting for their containers from China to be filled. They’re instructing the exporters to send them half-empty just to get their hands on the damn materials. And I can’t see a jump in new supply coming any time soon. And no materials means no new houses.
- And inflation’s going to start to fall, most likely around mid-year which will get buyers back into the market
Smart investors are looking at what’s going on without any emotion.
They’re analysing and assessing what they see.
Are you able to join them?
Let’s find out.
First step … find out how much your house is worth to get an idea of your position.
And then let’s take a look at what your options are.
This is too good an opportunity to miss.
If nothing else, find out where you stand so you can assess your options.
To your future success,
1 Mar 2022 - Money lessons from the world’s roughest sport
If you want to be wealthier, don’t listen to your financial advisor.
Surprisingly, the advice from the world’s greatest ice hockey player could be far more valuable.
Canadian Wayne Gretzky is considered the best player ever.
And he’s also famous for saying …
“I don’t skate to where the puck is, I skate to where it’s going”.
Most investors look at the market now, and what do they see?
House prices falling.
Rates rising.
Economy shrinking.
You’d be nuts to invest in that, right?
If you think this, you’re looking at where the ice hockey puck is now.
Not where it’s going.
Plus inflation returning to around 4%.
And do you know what happens when rates fall?
House prices go up.
This is why smart investors are getting into the market now.
They’re seeing bargains everywhere and jumping them, knowing it won’t be long before rates fall, their house prices rise, and as a nice little bonus …
… their repayments go down too so their cash flow improves quickly.
They know where the puck’s going, and they’re skating there.
The question is, how do you begin?
You begin by getting an accurate picture of where you are right now.
And the first step is to get a FREE house price estimate from us.
We secure this information from our data analysts, and along with how much your mortgage is on it (if any) we can give you a rough indication of what’s possible.
This is exciting and golden times are around the corner.
Get in now and ride this all the way to the next peak.
To your future success,
P.S. If Westpac is right and there are 7 rate decreases even of just 0.25%, what does this mean?
It means if you buy a $700,000 property, your repayments fall $12,250 a year which is …
… $1,000 more in your pocket a month.
Don’t wait until prices have already moved though.
Start the investigation process now and we can help create a strategy to help you succeed as the market changes.
23 Feb 2022 - This Power-Group won’t let property fall. This is why …
A lot of people still think investing is risky.
And OK, there are some risks involved.
But if you think the biggest risk is a market crash then fear not!
Because there are two groups who secretly can’t let this happen.
And they’ve got the means to make damn sure there won’t be a crash.
Listen, I’ll let you know about one of the groups today.
And I’ll email you again in a couple of days to tell you about the second.
The first group who you should consider your partners or your backers are …
… the good old Aussie government.
There’s also the slight issue of an economic collapse if house prices plummeted.
You see, if values collapsed, construction would stop.
And one of our largest industries would stop work and head to the dole queue.
Financial Armageddon.
(Forget house price falls if you’re a first home buyer. They’ll just let the prices rip while making vague promises to maybe do something sometime).
Plus if house prices fell, nobody could borrow against their homes.
And that’s a huge chunk of money which wouldn’t flow back into the economy too.
Plus … if people get poorer during your term in power, they’re not happy.
And people vote with their wallets.
See why the government is behind you 100%?
With them as your partner, you’d have to be pretty confident.
Anyway, that’s it for today.
In a couple of days, I’ll share with you another group who can’t afford prices to fall.
And I reckon they’ve got even more at stake than the government.
And more clout to stop it happening too.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. Have you claimed your FREE property report yet on your house?
It’s a detailed look at your property and your area.
You’d normally have to pay for this CoreLogic report, but thanks to our relationship with them we can get you one for free.
Click the button, enter your property’s details and we’ll send it to you.

7 Feb Dec 2023 -[Wealth tip] Never let your bank do this
Something every dad can relate to is being handed a big tangled mess of wires, or a shoelace or a necklace by your kids.
And being asked to fix it.
It’s a nightmare to untie!
Well, one of the sneaky tricks the banks get up to is called cross-collateralisation.
It’s where they tie up all your home loans into one big mess so it’s almost impossible to untangle.
The banks love it because they can tie you up so badly that they own you.
It’s called cross-collateralisation and it’s their favorite trick.
What they do if you’ve got more than one property is they let you borrow the second using the equity in the first.
So the first is now security for the second.
And then the first and second become security for the third.
Sounds like a good idea because as long as you’ve got equity you can get the next place.
But it’s an EPIC disaster.
Because they can make it impossible for you to do what you want down the track.
If you want to refinance, even one property with another bank you have to value the whole bundle first, and then work with them to untie the one you want to move.
If you want to sell one, same deal.
And if they won’t let you borrow … it’s almost impossible to get away to another bank.
I remember one of my clients who came to me like this.
He had 5 properties, all cross-collateralised by one of the big banks.
We needed to separate them so we could take him forward.
There was $600,000 in equity we wanted to access.
But it took us months and $20,000 to get the job done.
See why I call it a disaster?
There are ways you can avoid this.
And the easiest is to create a new loan or a line of credit against one of your properties.
Then you take this money and use it as a deposit for your next property.
It’s neat and nothing is crossed over.
Anyway, this is a job for a mortgage broker.
Right now it’s worth you seeing what your position is to assess your potential to move forward and invest.
Grab a copy of your FREE property report.
It’s individualised to your address and will give you a really good idea of where you stand.
[FREE Property Report]
We’ll run your report and get it back to you within 24 hours.
To your future prosperity,
7 Feb Dec 2023 - The greatest wealth ‘hack’ ever?
Legendary success coach Earl Nightingale once said if you’re trying to figure out what to do, and you’ve got nobody to give you advice then …
“Watch what everyone else does and do the opposite. The majority is always wrong”.
Great advice, right?
What he was saying is that most people are wrong.
Do you think he’s right?
Most people aren’t wealthy.
They aren’t fit and healthy.
They aren’t enjoying great careers, businesses, or loving life.
If all you did was watch what they did and do the opposite you’d be flying!
Or they plan to ‘get in later’.
Or they think their superannuation will be all they need.
So if you believe most people are wrong (and there’s a good argument that they are) then your plan should be to get into the market.
Our clients are creating wealth at the moment.
Our clients have been creating wealth for a long time in fact.
And they’ve done it when the masses have stayed away.
I want you to join them.
The first step is to find out what your property is worth.
And then let’s use it to see what you can achieve, and how quickly.
To your future prosperity,
30 Jan Dec 2023 - Never invest in this suburb
Facts don’t lie.
And location IS important.
Plenty of property spruikers will tell you that some future brand-new suburb is a great location …
… despite it being a dustbowl with a few pegs in the ground marking it out.
There are factors that make a suburb popular.
And therefore drive capital growth.
Generally, these are existing infrastructure, lifestyle factors, and jobs.
While they can turn into thriving communities in the future, you can expect to wait 10 years or more to see if the promise comes true.
And you can’t afford to wait this long.
This is why we choose where our clients invest carefully.
And why brand-new suburbs should be avoided at all costs.
BTW have you ever wondered how your suburb stacks up?
Then get the facts with this FREE suburb report.
They’re usually not free, but our subscription with SQM Data means we can offer you a complimentary one for your interest.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. You’ll be fascinated with your suburb report.
What SQM Data do is track and report on all sorts of information you’d never know about where you live.
And they give an assessment out of 5 for how your suburb stacks up as a place to invest.
Click the button above and get yours now.
30 Jan Dec 2023 - Is now a good time to invest?
Inflation is up.
Interest rates are up.
Every except is up except confidence which is way, way down.
So does this make it a bad time to invest, or a good time?
Most people think it’s a bad time, however, surprisingly it’s actually the perfect time.
Because when people are scared there are bargains galore.
And with our economy fundamentally strong, unemployment at rock bottom, immigration roaring back and a chronic housing shortage it’s probably the best time in years.
We’re helping people get set in high-growth suburbs right now at massive discounts.
This means they’re building in profit from day one, and securing a fantastic deal in a great location.
As the legendary investor, Warren Buffett said:
Right now the market is scared.
And it’s time to be greedy.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. The best way to get a feel for whether you can get into the market is to know what your house is worth.
If there’s a big difference between what it’s worth and what you owe on it, you can use this to get into real estate without needing to sell it.
Your first step is to click the button and request your FREE property report.
Then let us know how much it is, and how much you owe on it and we’ll be able to give you an indication of how ‘greedy’ you can be in this incredible, bargain-filled market.
24 Jan Dec 2023 - Should you pay off your home before investing?
It’s one of the great questions people have about wealth creation.
Should you pay off your home loan before investing?
So, let me give you a straight answer.
In almost all cases, it’s a yes.
Well, for a couple of reasons.
First – waiting means missing out on a whole lot of capital growth.
If you have 10 years left on your home loan and you wait … the property you could have bought would likely double in value during that time.
OK, so let’s say you choose to wait.
And you choose not to invest in a $600,000 property now.
Well, by the time your home loan is paid off that house could easily be worth $1,200,000.
And you missed out on $600,000 worth of capital growth.
Plus the opportunity to use the equity from it to purchase other properties.
(This is called opportunity cost BTW. It’s the cost of what you could have done with the opportunity had you seized it).
In other words, the sooner you begin the sooner you start creating wealth.
And now the second reason.
Second – You’d have seen huge increases in rent.
On average rents soared 6.7% in the last year alone.
And it looks like rents will continue to go through the roof for a long time to come yet.
This means, depending on your strategy you could be cashflow positive very soon.
Maybe even from day one.
And when you’re cashflow positive, it means you’ve got more money coming in than going out and your income is increasing.
That’s right, your income is going … up! Which can actually help you pay your home loan off faster.
The odds are you’ll be better off investing now than waiting.
In fact, when you do the numbers you could be better off to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Maybe even a million or more.
Either way, it doesn’t hurt to ask the question.
Your first step is to work out how much you could borrow.
What I’d like you to do is click here to get a free property report.
It’ll give you a whole lot of valuable information including an estimated value of your home, plus comparable sale prices from your area as well as a listing history and rental history.
Then, once you’ve got it I’d like you to email me the estimated value, plus how much you owe on it (roughly).
This will give me a good indication of what you could potentially borrow and we can talk about your options from there.
To your future success,
P.S. What I’m saying is the sooner you get in, the sooner you’re growing your wealth and your income.
The most successful people I know take action on multiple things at once.
They don’t believe in sequential.
They don’t get their home paid off before starting something else.
They do it all at the same time because they know if they’re going to create wealth, the sooner the better.
Click here to get a free property report and let’s find out where you stand
19 Dec 2022 - Why I’m taking calls over Christmas
I know Christmas and the New Year is a time to finally relax.
Maybe to go sit on a beach all tensed up for two days before your muscles and your brain finally eases.
Or go chill with the kids while the sweet sound of ‘Are we there yet’ and ‘Can I have the iPad … it’s MY TURN!’ take all your troubles away.
Well, I’m too old for that now.
But either way, I’ve decided …
… I’m not switching off this year.
Easing down, sure.
Lots of admin work around the office is just going to gather a bit of dust for a couple of weeks.
But one thing I’m not stopping is taking your calls.
Same with my team of strategists.
Because this is the time of year when money raises its head.
I mean, it’s pretty obvious if you’re not traveling all that well right about now.
Seeing everyone else on expensive holidays, buying extravagant gifts, and jumping in and out of their swimming pools.
So here’s what I’m doing.
I’m making myself, and a couple of my strategists available every day apart from Christmas Day and New Year’s Day to have a chat with you.
What happens first is you jump on a quick call with me to set a time, probably around an hour or maybe a bit less.
And then one of my strategists or I will talk to you about where you are, and where you want to go and give you some guidance on how you can get there.
You probably won’t have time when work goes back.
And the urgency will probably drop until next Christmas.
So strike while the iron’s hot.
Let’s get started, we’ll have a chat and see what’s possible for you.
Talk soon.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. This chat is simply for you to understand your options and see what’s possible.
Maybe once you think about it, you’ll decide to ask for our help to put it together.
I hope you will, assuming we work something out which works for you.
But that’s up to you.
It has to make sense for you to move forward.
See what your options are – taking calls over the Christmas – New Year break (no cost for this)
12 Dec 2022 - Do you hate Christmas?
According to popular culture, we all LOVE Christmas, right?
I mean, carols, presents, family.
The best time of year apparently.
Well, I love Christmas but a lot of people don’t.
According to some research from the USA (yes, I know) some 38% of people find their stress levels increase around Christmas.
No surprise there.
And I reckon it’s similar in Australia too.
So if you hate Christmas, don’t worry.
You’re not alone.
One of the reasons of course is good old money.
Or more to the point, a lack of it.
Not everyone has enough for the big Merry Christmas, the tree surrounded by presents, the massive feast, and all the good stuff.
Money’s tight, businesses shut down, and you’re forced to take time off.
Same with taking the kids to the greatest, funniest places like their friends’ parents are taking them to.
Or what everyone on Facebook and Instagram is doing with their kids.
Of course, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
We’re all on different journeys.
Even though I’m now doing great financially, I’ve had my rough times too.
However, this doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it.
In fact, I encourage you to find a way to get yourself to a new level money-wise.
It’s what I did.
And it’s what our clients are doing too.
They’re taking steps to improve their position so next Christmas is better.
And the one after is brilliant.
I’m sure I can help you too.
Let’s talk about it and see where we end up.
Click here and set a time with me for a chat.
Where will we end up?
Nobody knows, however, one thing is for sure, and it’s that you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
There’s not even a charge for it.
To your future success,
P.S. Christmas can be a great time to reflect, both good and bad.
So if it’s stirring feelings, positive or negative then listen to them and let them guide you.
It’s the best thing you can do.
5 Dec 2022 - Economics explained – with a bag of mixed lollies
The last time I said this in an email, someone replied back and told me I was a F&#%wit.
Yep, a troll of my very own (until I removed him permanently from my email list a second later).
But … was he right?
The reason he got so upset was because I said that inflation was, in a lot of ways a good thing.
It’s not good for everyone of course.
It hurts a lot of people.
However, as an investor, it’s a recipe for becoming wealthier faster.
Want to get wealthier faster? Click here to book a FREE strategy session with one of our strategists
Leading economist Chris Richardson explains why.
“It’s an old story – if you owe a lot of money, and there’s a burst of inflation, you’re a winner, because if you’ve got big debts, you get to pay it back for effectively cheaper, with depreciated money.
“So Australia’s government debt looks less dangerous than it used to. We see this is happening all around the world – the biggest borrowers also are the biggest winners out of inflation.”
Now, it’s admittedly not the clearest explanation.
But what he means, in a nutshell, is this.
Inflation makes your money worth less.
Let me explain in a slightly different way.
Years ago you could go down to the shops with 20 cents and get a bag of mixed lollies.
Chocolate buds, freckles, teeth, raspberry drops.
You’d come home with a pretty big haul.
Today that same bag would probably be $2.
You see, back then 20 cents seemed like a lot of money.
Today it’s the loose change which barely buys anything.
This is why people who borrow money love inflation.
If you’d borrowed 20 cents all those years ago it would have meant something at the start.
But today it’s almost nothing.
The more inflation there is, the more the value of your debt shrinks.
When you borrow money, your loan is not YOUR asset.
It’s the bank’s asset because it’s money you owe them.
And inflation is effectively making it smaller.
(They lose, you win).
So on one hand the house you invested in is being pushed up by inflation.
While on the other hand, the amount you owe is being pushed down, once again by inflation.
And this makes you, the investor the big winner!
I hope this makes the reason investors love inflation clearer.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. I’d love to get one of my team to show you how this works in real, practical terms.
We’re offering a few strategy sessions to show you how you can leverage real estate and inflation to achieve your goals sooner.
If you’re not 100% clear on where inflation fits into the picture, and how you can use a few other market forces to increase your wealth and cash flow then this time (which is free) will help enormously.
I’d hate you to miss out on a huge opportunity because you weren’t clear on something.
Take up my offer of a strategy session with one of my team and discover what’s possible.
Click here to book your FREE session with one of our strategists
29 Nov 2022 - : Read this if you’re 38 or older
Interesting … and perhaps a little confronting stat for you.
The median age of Australians is 38.
Which means if you’re under 38 there are more Aussies who are older than you.
However, once you’re 38 or older, there are officially more people who are younger than you than older than you.
You’re in the back half and one of the ‘oldies’.
Kinda scary, right?
(Maybe we should be celebrating 38th birthdays instead of 40th.)
Either way, if you’re 38 or you’re older you need to seriously think about what the rest of your life looks like.
One warning … if your finances aren’t in order things aren’t looking all that rosy.
And now you’re in the older half, it’s time to get things moving, and probably fast.
When you’re young it’s easy to create wealth.
High incomes, low expenses – especially before kids.
Plus plenty of time.
But now?
You’re paying way too much tax.
And with groceries, food, the car loan, school fees, insurance, and on and on and on … things probably feel like they’re closing in on you.
This is why if you’re 38 or over you should take me up on my free strategic plan.
Click here to get your strategic plan underway
It’s where we look at where you are, where you want (or possible NEED) to go.
And how you can put your money to work for you so you can begin building the wealth you need in the coming years.
You’re heading into the best years of your life.
Make sure you’re set up financially for them.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. When you click on the link you’ll be able to book a time with one of our advisors.
Your first call will be a quick call to schedule a strategy review which we call ‘What Can I Do Next?”.
It’s a look at where you are and where you want to go so we can let you know what your next moves should be.
Click here and let’s get started – there’s no cost for this either
20 Nov 2022 - Why people start investing in their 40s
Why do people start looking more seriously at the property in their 40s?
I’ve noticed there’s a decade where the property switch is often ‘turned on’ in people’s heads.
And sure, it can happen at any age.
(The younger the better of course, however, the key is to just get started).
However, when people hit their 40s their focus suddenly switches.
And they suddenly come and talk to us about creating wealth.
Why does this happen?
Overall it seems to be a factor of a couple of things.
First, life’s beginning to be a bit of a drag.
Family, school fees, and the huge mortgage.
And I’m not saying they don’t love their family. They do! They love their home too.
But then you throw the taxes on top. They loathe seeing how much of their wage goes to the government to waste on another overseas trip or some other stupid nonsense.
Then add rates, insurance, rego, and all those on top.
It’s a drag alright!
So they tighten their belts and spend less.
Give up on their dreams a bit more.
And one day they wake up and realise …
… “This isn’t what I had in mind when I was 25!”
It’s not what I promised my spouse when we married.
I had huge goals in mind and my life kept getting greater and greater.
And now all that’s happening is I’m getting older.
Now, here’s the other thing.
Career? Well, by the time you’re in your 40s if you’re not on the golden escalator to the top floor, it’s probably not going to happen.
And you’ve probably seen all those hungry, aggressive kids on their way up.
If you’re not on the fast track, it’s probably not going to happen.
Besides …
… who really wants all that stress, butt-kissing, and stupidly long hours anyway.
Hardly worth it, right?
Especially when so many top execs have crappy marriages and barely ever see their kids.
So that brings us to your investing options.
Shares, rising at 8.1% a year is slow, volatile, and risky.
Besides, you need cash to put into shares, and there’s not that much left over.
Same with managed funds too.
Actively trading is even riskier, and time-consuming and the learning curve is enormous.
Then there’s starting a side business – think trading multiplied by 10.
And suddenly.
You only have one real option left.
Fortunately, it’s the best one.
Investing in real estate!
So listen, maybe this sounds like you.
Perhaps a few bits ring true.
If so, when you’ve come to the conclusion that you need to do something, and your options are closing off then it’s time to talk to one of my advisors.
We’ll look at where you are, where you want to be and see how we can finally close the gap.
Plus how quickly it could be done.
Click here to chat with one of our advisors.
They’ll have a quick chat with you to go through a few basics with you.
And then book a time for a ‘What Can I Do Next?’ call where we really dig into your strategy.
This is all about rescuing your future.
And there’s no cost to you to do this.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. These calls aren’t sales calls.
They’re 100% about your options.
You might want to get our help to implement all this, and that’s entirely up to you.
Our job is to make sure your direction is clear, and that you understand your options and your next step.
After that, it’s up to you whether you do it yourself, with us, or with someone else.
Click here to begin your strategic review. No cost to get this done

6 Nov 2022 -Crappy lesson from Elon Musk
If you want to predict the future, you need to study the past.
This is because history just keeps repeating itself over and over again.
And I could scare you and say we’re seeing the same situation which caused the Global Financial Crisis in 2008.
But this time it’s only contained to the crypto market.
And as an investor, it’s important you get a good, wide feel for economics.
So I thought I’d give you a quick insight into what’s going on.
What’s happening?
Well, just like in 2008, it started with a lack of oversight.
An industry left to regulate itself decided that ‘Greed Is Good’ and being responsible is kind of boring.
Not to mention a lot quicker to get rich.
So there have been new financial products (and I use the term loosely) created in the crypto market.
Just like the collateralised debt obligation (CDO) and the synthetic CDO which were being made up out of thin air before the GFC.
These were basically smoke and mirrors which were turned into real money, only with nothing behind them.
Everyone seemed to own a bit or a lot.
And nobody really knew who had what.
Then when the bath plug got pulled, we got to see who was swimming naked.
As it turned out, it was a lot.
Over the past 12 months, the bitcoin market has plummeted around 75%.
And news of more exposure to risky schemes is coming out all the time.
Avoid the hype and the get-rich-quick schemes.
Because if it seems too good to be true?
Well, it probably is.
Enjoy your week.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. We’re helping people create a great future without taking dumb, irresponsible risks.
Because just like history repeating itself, the real estate market repeats itself too.
Only it’s far more stable and delivers consistently high returns.
And you can tap into it to create a great future for yourself.
We’re running some FREE wealth sessions for you to find out how.
And you can apply to get one by clicking here.
6 Nov 2022 -Crappy lesson from Elon Musk
I love it when the world’s absurdly rich folk drop some gems of advice.
Warren Buffett does it in his annual speech.
Richard Branson and Bill Gates drop brilliant truth bombs in their books.
Steve Jobs’s vision was there for the world to see and get inspired by.
But Elon Musk?
Well, there world’s richest person just delivered a life lesson which was anything but inspiring.
He took over Twitter.
And sacked half the workforce.
Me neither.
However, while you might not be inspired …
… you should find it damn well motivating.
Because while you might not have been part of the Twitter chop, you might also realise that your job isn’t safe either.
Businesses go down the gurgler all the time.
People get downsized.
Merged out of existence.
I’ve heard too many stories of people turning up for work on Monday morning only to find the gates locked, an apology note and the owners nowhere to be found.
So listen.
You might think investing is so you can get rich and be financially free.
And sure, that’s a good reason for it.
However, it’s also a ‘Get Out Of Jail Free card.
Done right, it could be what saves your financial bacon right when you need it the most.
Or $600,000 in equity you could tap into and do something with.
This could be a financial lifesaver, right?
If you’re going to learn anything from Elon Musk it’s that you can’t take anything for granted.
And you need a Plan B.
Let’s talk about it.
I’ve got some time coming up with my strategists to show you how you can create financial freedom and protect your backside at the same time.
Click here to book a time to talk (it’s free)
Do it and let’s see what’s possible for you.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. Don’t regret not doing something about this.
You might be feeling pretty comfortable right now, but you know how fast things change.
It might not even be losing your job which leaves you in financial strife.
It might be a health issue or some other kind of personal problem which needs you to have access to money.
Don’t get there and regret not having protected yourself while you could.
Let’s talk and find out where you stand.
Click here to book a time to talk and let’s find out where you stand
31 Oct 2022 - Dumbest government on record?
I don’t care if you vote red or blue.
Or teal, green, or … yellow for that matter.
But you have to admit.
The government led by Anthony Albanese is shaping up to be the dumbest on record.
And the reason I’m being so harsh is they took a MAJOR economic task …
… and turned it into a 3 Stooges style sideshow.
The announcement I’m most dumbstruck by is the plan to build 1 million new homes in the next 5 years.
Let’s take a look at the sheer idiocy of it piece by piece.
First, they haven’t actually said if it’s 1 million EXTRA homes or just 1 million homes in general.
Hardly a minor detail, right?
But since they haven’t said one way or the other, they probably don’t know yet.
And if it’s just 1 million homes in total then that’s pretty basic because we’re already building 200,000 homes a year.
And basic maths is … 200,000 x 5 years is 1,000,000 homes.
If that’s the case then ummmm … they’ve just announced something which is already being done.
Okie dokie.
Now, if it’s EXTRA houses, then that’s not a policy they have even a hope of achieving.
Not even close.
There’s no tradies.
Or materials.
And sure, we’re going to increase immigration and hopefully find some tradies in there.
Plus once China gets over its Covid-Zero obsession and lets people get back to work then the material supply will pick up again.
Mind you, the building industry isn’t full of hope.
In fact, building approvals are actually FALLING at the moment.
And a few months ago, Metricon unceremoniously sacked most of their sales staff in NSW, with more likely to go to other states.
I guess they figured there’s no point paying people to sell homes they cant build.
So it begs the question …
… who’s going to build these million homes?
And what are they going to build them from?
Right now we don’t even know the details.
We don’t even know if it’s really a million new houses.
Or simply a bit of smoke and mirrors.
Anyway, who cares?
If you know anything about real estate, you know we’re at max capacity, and nothing the government promises is going to make a scrap of difference.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. [Usual PS here]
23 Oct 2022 - The perfect catch-up plan
Are you financially behind the 8-ball?
This is when you’re not quite where you feel you should be.
And it’s all too common.
Perhaps you dreamed you’d be way up the career ladder by now.
You’d be earning a lot more.
Probably have the home loan paid off by now and have a few high cashflow investments tucked up your sleeve making live fun.
But maybe things didn’t pan out this way.
Listen, no matter where you are in life there’s a great chance it’s not too late.
It’s not too late – click here and let’s turn this around for you
You can still turn this around.
And in fact, not just catch up to where you should be but go straight past it.
Go chasing shiny objects and empty, hyped-up promises and you know what will happen?
You guessed it.
You’ll be one year older … with one year less to get yourself ready.
And one year less time in the market to grow your wealth.
You can’t afford to get this wrong.
It’s why you should start with a plan, not pie-in-the-sky promises.
Get the plan right, and I mean REALLY nail it, and everything else falls into place.
All the steps become clear.
You know what to do next.
And you can see it all coming together before your eyes.
So, let’s get this started.
I want you to book a time with one of our strategists who will show you what’s possible, and the series of steps to get you there.
The journey of a lifetime starts with a single step.
And your first step is this one.
Click here to take your first step on your financial turnaround.
Take the step, and see where it takes you.
No charge, and if you don’t like it you don’t have to take the next step.
You’ve got nothing to lose.
To your future prosperity,
16 Oct 2022 - The harsh reality of school reunions
Do you do school reunions?
They’re a strange phenomenon because while they’re supposed to be a fun catch-up with old friends … they often hold up a very confronting mirror to our lives.
10 years in, you might be tearing life apart and on the path to mega success and stardom.
But by your 20 year reunion, and especially your 30 year reunion things start to hit home.
The old car you turn up in.
The clothes you’re wearing might have fit OK when you bought them, but that was 7 years ago.
Your career?
The suburb you live in?
Your last holiday?
All confronting truths that things haven’t quite gone as well as you thought they would.
And it can be a little bit embarrassing.
We all started out with big dreams and ambitions.
We probably imagined a soaring career, big paypacket, and an upgrade to the dream home.
But then life got in the way.
Maybe your career stalled.
You lost out in the latest round of office politics.
Or perhaps you followed a career path you were more passionate about, despite the pay cut.
Then there’s the kids coming along plus a few financial bombs thrown into the mix.
And the future ‘you’ which you imagined at the end of high school never quite happened.
I get this.
It’s one thing to dream about a grand future, but the realities of life always get in the way.
We’re working with people just like you.
And we’re giving them a way forward to bridge the gap between where they wanted to be … and where they are.
This is for you if you’re not comfortable with where you’re at.
And you always thought you’d be further forward than you are.
Your first step is a quick exploratory call with one of our team.
It only takes 15 minutes.
And they’ll set a time with you to help you prepare a path forward.
Best part?
It’s free to do this.
And it’ll give you clarity on your next moves like you’ve never had before.
Click here – it’s not too late. Let’s get you finally back on track
If you’ve been in the wilderness all these years, now is your opportunity to get back on track, and fast.
To your future prosperity,
9 Oct 2022 - The government has screwed you over
Most Aussies are in dire financial straits.
And it’s the government’s fault.
Their actions over the last few years have really screwed us all over.
I guess that’s what you get when your choice is a bunch of fast-talking lawyers on one side.
A bunch of trade unionists on the other.
And not an ounce of real-world experience or economic ability in sight.
Today the cost of living is out of control.
Rates have gone up 6 months in a row.
House prices are going through the roof.
And so are rents.
The wild and unrestrained money printing during Covid has left us with mind-boggling levels of debt we’ll never be able to pay off unless the basics get slashed.
And because they’ve messed up so badly they’re punishing YOU by not letting you even get the pension until you hit 67.
Goodbye, pensions, quality healthcare, and a comfortable living.
So listen.
Unless you do something, and do it soon there’ll be no safety net when you retire.
Most Australians have far too little super.
And virtually no decent investments.
Which means no matter how hard you’ve worked, you have to take responsibility for rescuing your financial future because nobody else will.
We’re putting together a strategic investing plan to replace their incomes and guarantee they’ll be able to retire on the same income or more.
And we’d like to offer you an opportunity to do the same.
It starts with a short discovery call with one of our strategists.
They’ll talk to you about what you really want in the future.
And give you an idea of what your new options will be with a carefully planned real estate investing plan.
Click here to book a time with one of our strategists
There’s no cost for this.
It’s just to assess where you are and where you want to end up.
Click the link and get some answers.
To your future,
P.S. You might not be proud of where you are financially right now.
If not, don’t worry.
Most people find themselves in a spot they don’t want to be.
So you’re not alone.
Let’s get on a call together and work through a rescue plan for you.
Click here to book a discovery call and start to create your own personalised rescue plan
5 Oct 2022 - Gotta love interest rate rises, right?
I’m a strange kind of person.
I hate long walks on the beach and romantic movies.
But I love interest rate rises.
(Actually, the walks on the beach and the movies are fine, really).
So why would a real estate investment advisor … LOVE rate rise?
It’s because these are the times you make the most money.
Hear me out.
Here’s a really basic property market curve. (You might have to enable images to see it).
We’ve got the top and bottom of the markets.
And right now we’re at the bottom. I’ve drawn an arrow to show you where we are, and that’s probably just past the worst of it.
Most investors, by the way, invest near the top of the market.
They see prices booming and everyone getting rich, so FOMO hits and they pile in.
(FOMO is Fear Of Missing Out.)
Now, you might think that right now is a terrible time to invest.
Interest rates are still climbing.
Prices have been dropping and might continue dropping in some parts.
Does it make more sense to you to invest at the bottom of the market and enjoy all that capital growth and rental increases?
Or do you think it’s smartest to invest once the majority of the growth and rent increases have passed by?
This is why I love interest rate rises.
They’re a sign that the lowest point in the market is either here or at least very close.
And we’ve been in a rising interest rate environment for 6 months now.
The market’s going to turn upwards.
The signs are already there with auction clearance rates up to 66.8% last weekend, with a slow but steady increase every week from around 60% two months ago.
Immigration is returning, and Albo just added another 35,000 to the numbers.
And inflation is starting to ease off.
See why I love investing at the bottom?
All that up curve?
It’s mine!
Why not book a time with one of our strategists and see what’s possible for you too?
Click here to book a call with one of our strategists and see what your next move should be.
To your future prosperity,
[Insert PSs here]
29 Sept 2022 - Pay off your home loan in under 10 years, and other lies
Have you heard?
Apparently, you can buy an investment property and pay off your home loan in 10 years or less.
Well, I’m calling BS.
There are ways it COULD be done.
But hey, don’t believe the hype that anyone can do it.
You’d have to have a pretty small loan for a start.
(The average mortgage today is just shy of $600k).
Then you’d need to be relying on interest rates NOT climbing more.
(They will).
(Good chance it will, but there’s not guarantees in this world).
I don’t make projections like these.
I make projections that can be met.
So yep, we’re a little conservative at times.
But we’re also realistic.
And since nobody can afford to get 10 years down the track and discover things didn’t quite work as they expected …
… I’m going to suggest you run some of the wild claims you hear through your BS meter first.
BTW if you get an actual, realistic plan there’s a good chance you’ll be surprised at what’s possible with the right strategy behind you.
You can book a time with us below.
To your future prosperity,
[PSs go here]
19 Sept 2022 - Slick Willie’s secret to wealth
Most people overlook the obvious when it comes to wealth creation.
They think they have to invest in high risk shares.
Or even Bitcoin.
Or score an inheritance or win the lottery.
To explain what I mean, let me tell you a story about Slick Willie.
Willie Sutton, also known as Slick Willie was one of America’s most famous bank robbers. His stellar career lasted almost 40 years.
According to the stories he is rumored to have stolen over $2 million dollars. And that’s a lot for someone who started in the 1920s!
Someone once asked Slick Willie why he robbed banks.
And his reply was priceless.
“Because that’s where the money is”.
Kind of obvious, right?
This is why I love real estate.
Everyone NEEDS a house to live in, so there’s always demand for what you’ve got.
We’ve got a chronic undersupply too.
And the government policies are designed to keep house prices going up.
Here’s where it gets really exciting.
Right now, amateur investors are scared.
They’re sitting on the sidelines believing the media BS that the market’s going to crash and investors will be heading for the poor house.
Except the exact opposite is true.
Right now is the perfect time to be in the market.
Prices are down and buyer activity is low.
This means instead of buying at the peak and competing in a frenzy …
… you’ll have the pick of the bunch.
And be able to ride it all the way from the bottom to the top.
With the right plan, 2022 could be the start of something amazing.
To your future success,
11 Sept 2022 - Rent freeze … madness?
I meant to talk about this last week.
However, since Albo just sparked a brand new property boom by bumping our already immigration intake of 160,000 people (who we don’t have houses for) up by another 35,000 (who we DEFINITELY don’t have houses for) I wanted to tackle that instead.
And now I’m back to rent freezes.
Now, just to be clear.
Rent-freezes are not government policy.
They’re a proposal by the Greens who aren’t in power anyway, and it’s a policy even Labor isn’t stupid enough to take on.
So don’t stress, OK?
However, in case you think they’re a great idea, or you’ve got someone in your family who does then there’s a very good argument against them.
And the case against them is simply this.
You see, rents, interest rates, and inflation aren’t really the cause of the housing crisis.
The one cause above all else is …
.. we don’t have enough houses.
New housing supply is miles behind where it needs to be.
In fact, the Australian Financial Review recently reported we could be 163,400 dwellings short of where we need to be by 2032.
This means, even if we keep building more homes at the current rate, we’re still falling drastically behind.
Now, what would happen if we introduced rent freezes?
Well, some investors could be encouraged to sell.
And now all those renters would be homeless looking for another house along with thousands of other renters.
I can’t see this being helpful, can you?
And who would buy the houses they previously lived in?
Probably the people who are already in the market and missing out.
It won’t be struggling renters, that’s for sure.
Most of the people struggling to pay their rent don’t have big deposits saved up.
Nor would they likely have the kind of income needed to qualify for a loan right now.
So, that strikes one against rent freezes.
Is there a strike two?
Yes, there is.
When you limit returns, you get fewer developers building.
Investors are a big market for new housing, and there won’t be as many investors buying in.
Plus, if house prices drop as a result then fewer projects will be economically feasible and so fewer will actually go ahead.
Fewer new houses are being built at a time we desperately need them.
So you can see, there’s really no other option other than letting the market sort itself out.
Is it perfect?
Is it without pain?
However, it’s the only way.
Anyway, keep informed and keep thinking.
To your future prosperity,
{Normal PSs go here}

4 Sept 2022 - Albo accidentally creates a brand new property boom
I was going to talk about the proposed rent hike this week, but something else came up suddenly.
And since it’s been in the news I wanted to talk about this instead.
(I’ll get back to the rent freeze madness next week, OK?)
You see, despite making a bit of song and dance about homelessness before the election, at the jobs summit last week Anthony Albanese announced …
… an additional 35,000 immigrants each year on top of the 160,000 already announced.
Ok, so we need more people to fill jobs.
The folks at my local fish and chip shop look like they’re about to collapse and they’ve had that ‘We’re Hiring’ sign on the door for 3 years now.
Still, could it backfire?
Let’s do a bit of maths.
The average household size in Australia is 2.5 people.
And this means 35,000 extra people will need an extra 14,000 houses per year.
That’s on top of what we need for our growing population … and the 160,000 immigrants already lining up to come here.
Now, an extra 35,000 new immigrants at an average of 2.5 people per home = 14,000 extra homes per year.
But wait!
Albo’s going to be building more houses as social housing, right?
I mean, that’ll help ease the housing crisis, won’t it?
Um, no.
The ALP social housing policy is going to build 30,000 homes in 5 years.
That’s just 6,000 a year which means …
(And before you tell me there are other homes being built, remember we’ve been falling behind in this department for years, even during the pandemic when net immigration actually fell).
Still, it’s good news for investors.
Because no matter where interest rates or inflation go, house prices are still driven by supply and demand.
And no matter which way you look at it, an increase in demand for 14,000 new homes and adding just 6,000 more homes to supply will force house prices higher.
What’s the solution?
There isn’t one.
At least, not just yet.
We have a housing crisis which can only be solved by building more houses.
Yet building more houses means more immigration to get the labour to do it.
And more immigration means more people needing housing, which puts more pressure on the housing supply.
It’s a big vicious circle, and it’s one reason why I’m so optimistic about property being the best way to create wealth.
To your future success,
[PSs go here]
30,000 homes in 5 years.
But here’s the quandary.
28 Aug 2022 -Scumbag investors
I’m going to put something out there, and I’m sure a few people are going to vanish from my email list.
I’ll probably get a few nasty replies.
But I also think I’ll get quite a lot of people who totally agree with me and 100% believe in what I’m saying.
(If this is you, don’t be a stranger – hit reply and let me know. I could do with the support after putting this out there.)
Here’s what I’m talking about.
Over the last few months, there’s been a lot of talk about the condition of rental properties.
I just watched a short video on a couple whose house has a growing black mould problem.
Dad’s coughing all night, and so is the kid.
Plus it’s cold at night, costs a fortune to heat and there’s not much hot water.
Now, SOME people would say …
“That’s just supply and demand. You knew what the house was like when you rented it and you chose it. It’s a free market, you have your budget and that’s where you landed”.
And if you believe that, then that’s OK.
There’s some validity to it.
Except I also think …
They’ve tried 600 applications over 18 months and can’t find anything.
No surprise there. The vacancy rate is just 0.3% which is as tight as it’s possible to get.
Still, your house has rocketed up in value.
Rents have soared.
And what you’re paying in interest has plummeted.
So take some of this extra money, maybe even borrow a little bit of equity and …
When you supply a house to another person, you have a responsibility to make sure it’s in good condition. You can’t just wash your hands of it.
Sorry, that’s just not how it works.
It won’t cost much.
And you’ll have a house with a higher value, some tax deductions, more loyal tenants.
But more importantly, you’ll be a good person.
And with karma being what it is, doing good in the world brings good back your way.
(Just watch any of the movies made about Ebenezer Scrooge and you’ll get what I mean, OK?)
You’ll sleep well at night.
People will like you.
And you’ll walk around with your head held high, free of that weight which you’re trying to ignore telling you to do the right thing.
It feels great!
(Stress and tension lead to heart disease you know, so you’ll probably live longer too).
You might be investing for financial reasons, but never forget you have a responsibility to the people paying you money.
That’s all for this week.
P.S. One of the reasons we invest in new housing is we don’t have these issues.
Most of the ‘bad’ houses are older houses which come with higher maintenance costs.
Remember this when you invest. If you take on an older house you need to take this seriously.
P.P.S. One of the proposals to come out lately is a rent freeze.
Good idea or bad idea?
I’ll tell you next week.
[Put the other PSs here]
21 Aug 2022 -This is one success ‘rule’ we could do without
As you know I love taking the sacred cows of success talk …
… and slaughtering them over the altar of common sense.
One of the most common pieces of advice is to try and build up your weaknesses.
And I say …
… rubbish.
Why would you want to waste time on something you’re terrible at, just so you can say you’re now bad at it instead?
Listen, we’re all great at some things.
And terrible at others.
So the more time you spend on what you’re strongest at, the more successful you’ll be at it.
And no doubt that success will extend into your life.
Like, if you’re a heart surgeon who isn’t very good at gardening, you probably want to study heart surgery more instead of pruning the roses.
(Unless of course pruning roses relaxes you and makes you a better surgeon of course).
But at what cost?
Just hire a gardener and enjoy what they do instead. It’ll be a million times better than you could ever dream of doing on your own.
Focussing on your weaknesses is a recipe for failure.
Your biggest contribution to the world will come from what you’re exceptional at.
And not by working on something you’re crappy at, just to become less crappy.
Think about this when you’re deciding where to allocate your time, resources and energy.
To your future success,
P.S. Creating wealth through strategic property investments happens to be my strength.
I live and breathe it.
So if it’s not yours, yet you still dream of creating wealth this way then don’t waste your time trying to figure it all out on your own.
Book a time with me and get ahead faster than you ever could on your own.
Click here to book a FREE session with me to look at what your next steps should be
7 Aug 2022 -More wisdom from Australia’s richest property developer
Last week I wrote about some incredible wisdom from Harry Triguboff, Australia’s richest property developer who is worth over $21 billion.
To quickly recap, his first 3 lessons were:
Lesson 1 – Keep moving forward no matter what.
Lesson 2 – The government and the banks are your biggest partners and backers – and neither can afford property to fail.
Lesson 3 – Fear mongering about interest rates is misguided. There is far more upside potential, and the media are deliberately ignoring it.
Following the first 3 lessons last week, here are 2 more Harry recently shared during an interview with Sky News’ Erin Molan.
Lesson #4. Property can be an up-and-down journey.
With property, it doesn’t matter how clever you are.
You need to be patient and be prepared for all sorts of problems.
Yet while these problems can result in you losing money, you also make a lot of money along the way which you never saw coming.
It’s why your strategic plan needs to cover all the bases so you continue growing wealthier even when you hit some snags.
Lesson #5. You have to be patient
Property is a long term game, and you’re in it for the long haul.
Considering he’s a multi-billionaire, you can’t argue there’s a fortune in it the longer you stay the course.
When he started out, his competitors were building 8-story buildings.
However, instead of trying to match them or go bigger, Harry stuck to his guns and built 4 story buildings instead.
He knew he’d catch up and pass them all.
And he left them all in his wake.
Get the process right, and scale up.
I hope you got as much out of the 5 lessons Harry Triguboff shared as I did.
To your future success,
7 Aug 2022 - 3 golden wealth tips from Australia’s richest developer
At 89, Harry Triguboff is Australia’s 6th richest person with a net worth of $21 billion.
And his entire fortune came from just one market.
Real estate.
And that’s why when Harry speaks, we listen.
Recently he was interviewed by Erin Molan on Sky News.
And here are his biggest lessons.
Lesson #1. Keep moving forward.
Harry has always kept working and moving forward.
He never stops building, even when there’s not as much profit.
He values all his employees and sub-contractors and is prepared for lower profits knowing the long term game is so strong.
Lesson #2. He understands who his partners really are
Harry talks about his partners being the government and the banks.
And this is because neither party can afford housing to drop.
There aren’t too many things you can invest in where the government and banks have a vested interest in your success.
And property is one of them.
Lesson #3. Fear-mongering about interest rates is misguided
He knows it’s only one part of the equation.
According to Harry, you also have to take into account that we have no migration or workers coming in.
And when these come again, demand will get even higher.
That’s it for this email.
Harry shared a couple more pearls of wisdom, but I’m going to save them for next week.
What I’ve just shared is some of the best wisdom you’ll ever hear, and I don’t want to overload you with so much that it doesn’t all sink in.
To your future success,
31 July 2022 - 3 moves I’m advising people to take right now
If you’re an investor there are 3 moves I suggest you take right now.
First – Pull out equity
The banks are tightening up their lending criteria.
Property values are coming in lower.
And interest rates are going up.
My advice is, if you can, think about pulling out equity now and putting it somewhere it won’t cost you anything like a redraw or an offset.
This way, when you need it you’ll have it.
Then when opportunities come up, you’ll be able to move faster.
And this is the kind of market where opportunities come up quickly so be ready.
Second – Increase rents
Rents are going up everywhere.
So are interest rates.
If you can, push up your rents and get a better return.
Cashflow is the name of the game right now.
And your bank will love you when you’ve got a higher income from your portfolio.
Third – Consider alternative strategies
In markets which look like they’re slowing down, consider some alternative strategies.
There are businesses who will pay you two years’ rent in advance for the leasing rights to your house.
That could be a handy cash flow injection.
Another might be chasing cash flow by investing in apartments in the CBD. With 10% rental returns on offer, this might be a smart move.
Sure, it won’t give you the same capital growth as other investments but the instant income could be super handy right about now.
What I’ve just told you is great advice.
However, I’m not suggesting you blindly do everything I just said.
After all, it all comes down to your personal situation and goals.
What I’m suggesting is you spend half an hour on a call with me so we can see if some of this advice will help you out.
If it doesn’t, I reckon I can give you some new ideas which will.
One step at a time, remember?
Just one idea from me could spark your return to the market.
Or it could get you on your way to your very first investment.
No charge, just a chance to put me to the test and see what I come up with for you.
To your future success,
P.S. Over the years, my advice has led to incredible outcomes for people.
One of my clients asked me to speak to her son about investing instead of buying a Nissan GTR to keep up with his mates.
He saw the light and put his savings into the property.
By 26 he had 5 properties.
And by 30, the only reason he kept working is because he loved his chosen field of architecture.
He’s loving life and loves being able to choose whether he works or not.
Conversations with me can change lives. And it’s because of my experience and way of thinking.
24 July 2022 - Adult kids at home? Read this
If you’ve got kids still sticking around at home (way too long) then odds are they’re missing a huge opportunity.
It’s time for them to do something to get their life underway sooner.
There’s a concept called rentvesting which can set them up for life.
Normally, rentvesting is where you invest in property in one location and rent in another.
It means you can invest in the best possible location.
And live exactly where you want.
The idea is the cash flow from your rental income from your investment property helps offset what you’re paying in rent.
And you get the best of both worlds.
Because when they do, they can invest more easily because they’re not paying any rent whatsoever.
It’s rentvesting … on steroids!
Of course, you might think they can’t invest without enough money saved up.
Or a high enough income.
However, there are often ways they can overcome this and get into the market anyway.
And this is what I’d like to talk to you about.
Click here and book a free 30-minute session with me to talk about what’s possible.
I often find there are ways to get into the market, even when you don’t think there are.
And this is what we should find out together.
This could set them up early in life.
And get them out from under your feet at the same time!
To your future success,
P.S. Don’t assume this can’t be done until you’ve talked to me.
I’ve done this 5 times for different clients over the last two months.
And on each occasion, my clients were skeptical they could do it until I found a way.
They’re on their way now and setting themselves up for life.
Now I’m not saying it’ll be possible for everyone, but let’s at least explore it and find out.
You might be surprised, and even if it’s not possible you’ve got nothing to lose.
18 July 2022 - Monique Despot here! I just hijacked Duncan’s email account
Hey there,
Cheeky move, I know.
But I’ve got to be quick because I snuck in and hijacked Duncan’s email to send you a quick note.
I just started working with Duncan and Strategic Property and I thought I’d quickly sneak out an email to introduce myself rather than wait for Duncan to do it.
And to let you know why you might want to talk to me instead of Duncan.
So, who am I?
My name’s Monique Despot and I’ve been working in the real estate investing industry for over a decade, but frankly, I got sick of the BS I’ve seen.
In fact, I just finished working with a large company who I won’t name to be fair to them, but I became disillusioned over time to find their values (to put it mildly) simply didn’t align with mine.
So when Duncan interviewed me to work with him it totally made my heart sing.
It’s how he puts strategy above anything else.
He actually gives a s&#t (pardon the French).
Most companies just look at a client and see how much money they can afford to borrow. And then figure out how they can squeeze every last dollar out of them.
Eugh. I’ve had enough of that.
It makes my skin crawl.
Not Duncan though.
He told me story after story about people who went to him for help, and how he nutted out a strategy to get them where they wanted to go.
I knew that anyway because his name is legendary in this industry for how he thinks like this.
And to be honest about it, he could have made WAY more money just flogging overpriced junk. But thankfully for his clients, he didn’t.
That’s why he’s getting them their second, third, and fourth properties, and more.
And getting them more property in less time so they can join the 1% club of people who own enough property to retire with.
What else?
I mean, it’s not all about money, right?
Most blokes take a pretty ‘mechanical’ view of things, so I come from a different perspective which means I’m going to suit some people where Duncan suits others.
After all, it’s about protecting your family, making sure you’ll always have money coming in even if you lose your job or some kind of disaster happens.
Plus I’m young too so I’ve FULL of energy and enthusiasm which is shaking things up around here.
I’m completely nuts over property too. I’ve got my own portfolio as well which is going great guns and it’s all because of the strategies I’ve picked up over the journey.
Things like investing for income, rentvesting and taking advantage of all the grants and bonuses on offer out there.
OK, anyway.
If you’ve got big dreams, but you don’t know how to achieve them then let’s talk.
The best way to get me is on my email address which you’ll find on my bio page, or by giving the office a call.
The number’s also on my bio page.
My bio page is here – https://www.strategicinvestors.com.au/monique-despot/
Anyway, I’ll duck out now and leave Duncan’s email account in his hands again.
I’m sure he’ll forgive me.
He’s a good guy.
Want help?
Get in touch!
P.S. No obligation to do anything by the way.
Just a chance for you to clear the air and let someone hear your dreams and ambitions, and see if there’s a way you can make them come true.
You might be surprised with what we come up with.
Go to my bio page and send me an email with your phone number and let’s talk.
7 July 2022 - Have you given up?
It’s fun watching kids finish school and close that chapter of their life.
Yeah, no more school!
And it’s usually just a bit of fun.
The problem is, while it’s a bit of fun and relief after year 12 or however far they went …
… some people take it to heart.
They refuse point blank to learn anything ever again unless they can’t avoid it.
So I’ve noticed a lot of people have a real hatred of anything to do with learning.
Mention a book or a course and they grab the remote and crank the volume up to drown you out.
Almost as if it represents boredom and suffering.
Kinda like school, right?
I’ve been a learner all my life.
In fact, if you ever hop on a Zoom call with me and I’m talking to you from my office, you’ll see a bookshelf crammed with educational materials.
And that’s just a small part of my collection which includes more books, courses, plus gigabytes of digital resources.
That’s not including all the events, seminars and courses I go to each year, some in person and some online.
After I finished school I learnt nursing.
Then I learnt disability care.
And I also studied personal development, even becoming an authorised Tony Robbins trainer.
If that wasn’t enough, I then learnt how to invest in property … and kept learning.
It’s fair to say what I knew about investing when I started is a drop in the ocean compared to what I know now.
And even that’s not enough because it’s changing all the time.
Plus of course, I started a business …
… and I had to learn how to run it too!
Marketing, book-keeping, taxes, admin, all the fun stuff!
I’ve become (admittedly) quite wealthy and successful because of what I learnt.
And because it made my life richer in so many ways, I’ve loved every second of it.
So listen.
Most of the investors I help are novices.
They don’t know finance.
They don’t understand bank loans, even though they’ve probably got one.
They get scared signing their first investment property contract.
They don’t know how to engage a PM or work with one.
Everything you do is new at one point.
How to do your job, how to be a husband or wife, how to be a parent.
How to connect that damn Bluetooth device to your phone.
Things change all the time.
Life is richer when you learn new skills.
And since one of the skills you need to master is money, I’m here to help you with it.
You see, the quickest way to master something new is to get a teacher.
Or in this case, a mentor.
This part of the message is only important if you’re ready to get back into the learning seat and move forward.
I can help you get into the market successfully so you can create wealth and passive income.
I can take you through the entire process so you have clarity on how it works, and confidence in what you’re doing.
And I can make sure you have a plan to follow which can get you replacing your income and not needing your job in as little as 10 years.
Plus help you execute it every step of the way.
First, we’ll need to talk about what your goals are and what’s possible.
This is why I’ve got some spots set aside in my calendar to find out.
It’ll take 30 minutes initially to see if my help is going to be for you.
If it is, I can show you how we’ll move forward.
And if it isn’t, no hard feelings.
This is all about you knowing for sure if this is the right direction for you.
The first step, click here to book a time in my calendar.
And we’ll take it from there.
To your future prosperity,
30 Jun 2022 - Why vision boards are a waste of time
You might think it’s odd that a certified Tony Robbins trainer would tell you that vision boards are a waste of time.
It’s one thing to have a vision board until you look at it one day filled with hope and inspiration when the question hits you.
How the hell am I going to get there???
What I’m saying is it’s great to fill it with pictures of nice holidays, fast cars, your dream home, whatever floats your boat.
And of course, staring at it each morning can fill you with motivation and desire to bring everything you see into your life.
But without a plan, they’re nothing but dreams.
Basically a big pictorial wishlist.
So if you have a vision board or a dream book, instead of staring at it every night and morning and ‘wishing’ it was true …
Better still, find someone who can give you that help.
(If you’ve never made a million dollars before, you probably don’t know what to do, right?)
And this is why I say vision boards are a waste of time unless you come up with a plan to bring your dreams into existence.
No point staring and filling yourself with ‘inspiration’.
Stare, then plan.
Then execute.
That’s the only way.
I can help show you how to turn your vision into an actual reality.
Property is, and has always been the best way to do it.
And if you give me 30 minutes of your time, I’ll give you 30 minutes of mine.
Click here and book a time to chat. I’ll show you how to turn your vision board into reality
No cost for this BTW.
Let’s put a plan in place, and see if it makes sense to you.
To your future prosperity,

27 Jun 2022 - Joining the 1% club? You need this …
Someone asked me recently why most investors never make the 1% club.
The 1% club by the way is the group of investors who never make it to 5 investment properties.
And 5 properties (the right ones at least) are what you need to replace your income and live financially free.
There are probably lots of answers, depending on how you look at it.
Except there’s one huge factor separating those who get there and those who fail.
People think knowing your destination, ie where you’re going is the most important factor.
But knowing where you’re going is one thing. That’s the destination.
What’s more important is knowing how you’re going to get there.
Without a map and a plan to follow, knowing where you want to go is useless.
It’s nothing more than a dream.
The clarity of your plan is the meat on the bones of it all.
Having a plan to get there is where the action is.
Of course, it’s the boring part because it means you’ve got to do some planning and some work.
Maybe make some sacrifices.
Yuck, yeah I know right?
Perhaps learn some new skills.
… push yourself out of your comfort zone.
However, when it’s possible to replace your income in as little as 10 years time, it’s worth it.
I’ve put aside a few times to talk to people like you and show you what your plan could look like.
It’ll take around half an hour, and there’s no cost to do it.
It’ll be an eye-opener, and I suspect it’ll give you confidence that it’s not as hard as you think.
And exciting as hell!
Click here to book a time with me (no cost).
To your future prosperity,
This too shall pass.
19 Jun 2022 - What REALLY went wrong with bitcoin
If you’ve been following the crypto market this last week then there’s only one word for it.
Actually, you could use carnage, free-fall, and massacre as well.
So, what went wrong?
There’s a lot of reasons Bitcoin is getting hammered.
But for me, the simplest is that it’s not real money.
It’s not backed by anything and isn’t correlated with anything tangible.
You might say that about the Aussie or US dollar, but it’s unofficially correlated to every single thing we buy so in fact, that’s why its value is protected.
And of course, nobody ‘needs’ bitcoin to function in society.
It’s pointless, and the only reason, let’s face it, that people bought it is because they wanted to get rich fast.
Other than a few die-hard fanatics, most investors saw it as their way to fix up their past financial mistakes.
Real estate, on the other hand, is different.
Everyone ‘needs’ it.
It’s one of the most essential commodities there is.
That’s why housing has consistently gone up for decades and decades.
There’s always a real, tangible demand and need for it.
And now that we’re in the middle of a national housing shortage with an expected net migration of 300,000 people in the next 2 years, things are looking bright for people who want to use real estate to secure their financial futures.
What do you think?
Feel free to reply and let me know.
To your future prosperity,
13 Jun 2022 - Will swap a 4br house in Surry Hills for a lettuce
Isn’t it great!
All this inflation.
Loving it right about now.
Of course, with the price of everything going up (especially lettuce apparently), it’s not without its hassles.
But as an investor we should embrace, even love inflation.
Here’s why.
What inflation does is make money worth less?
And of course, if you’ve got savings in the bank or bags of fifties stuffed inside your freezer then it’s not happy days.
But when you owe big amounts, it’s actually in your favour.
Let me give you an example.
Let’s say you’ve got a loan for an investment property for $400,000.
And we go through a sudden surge in inflation.
That $400,000 suddenly isn’t worth as much as it was.
It’s still $400k, sure. But $400k isn’t worth what it once way.
This means what you owe the bank is effectively less.
They’re holding the asset of a $400k IOU.
And they’re getting done over.
20 years ago a $200,000 home loan was a lot of money.
It’d keep you awake at night at the sheer scale of it.
Today, imagine you had a home loan for this much.
You’d be pretty happy because even though it was a lot back then, today it’s not really that much at all.
And this is because inflation eats away at the value of money.
If you owe that money and you’re repaying it, inflation is doing part of the job for you.
And this is why investors LOVE inflation.
We can take out big loans to invest in assets which are going UP in value, and inflation effectively makes our loans smaller.
And this is why now is such a great time to borrow money to invest in appreciating assets.
If you’re ready to find out more, let’s chat about it for 30 minutes.
There’s no cost for this and no obligation to do anything.
It’s simply so you know your options and you can set up a strategy to take your next step if you choose.
To your future success,
P.S. You’ve got to know some basic economics to get ahead as an investor.
The more you know, the sooner you’ll be able to spot opportunities and jump on them.
So if you didn’t fully understand this email, read it again.
I’ve tried to explain it as simply as I can.
If you’re still not sure about it, reply and I’ll take you through it.
6 Jun 2022 - What’s really behind inflation (you need to know this)
What’s really going on with inflation?
Is it a disastrous mis-management of the economy from ScoMo?
Maybe, but maybe not.
Naturally, the new government (the shiny new thing who can throw as much mud as the old ‘rust bucket’ they replaced) will sell you this story.
But the reality is different.
And as an investor, it’s important you know what’s really going on, not the line you’re being fed.
It’s important you make your decisions based on cold hard facts, not what makes you feel good or gets you riled up.
*** Money isn’t emotional. ***
It keeps on doing whatever it does, no matter if you feel good, bad or angry about it.
It doesn’t care.
So, here’s what’s driving it.
The roots of inflation took hold back in early 2020 when Covid hit.
Remember that?
Overnight we went from ticking along, to suddenly slamming the doors shut on businesses, shopping and even peoples’ lives.
Suddenly there were queues of ordinary people waiting for hours to get into a Centrelink office.
So, the government did what governments do and …
… spend their way out of it.
Job Keeper, Job Seeker, interest rates chopped, cheap business loans, cash injections.
A lot of people were literally better off being at home than at work.
And as history will show, this saved our economic bacon.
By the election, our unemployment rate was the lowest in 46 years.
Shops and businesses couldn’t even get staff to service their customers.
Interest rates were rock bottom, and our property market was soaring.
However, there was a cost.
The mind-boggling amount of cash injected into the economy meant people were cashed up and wanted to spend.
(That’s high demand BTW).
On the flip-side of the coin, the couldn’t find things to spend it on.
Restaurants and cafes were shut, or at least slow because of mandates and a lack of staff.
Manufacturing was being hammered because one staff member would get Covid and pass it onto the rest.
(People would have paid $5 for a single roll of toilet paper at one stage).
And then there’s supply out of China which is weeks, even months behind in some cases.
(That’s low supply.)
So now we’ve got lots of cash competing for a limited pool of goods.
And if you want something which is hard to get, you can still get it … if you’re prepared to pay top dollar.
Hence inflation.
And this is as simple an explanation as it gets.
High demand + low supply = inflation.
So I urge you not to get emotional about it.
Don’t even get worried.
High inflation has been coming since March 2020.
It’s just part of the cycle, just like winter (hello) follows autumn.
And spring will be here soon.
What does this mean for the property market?
It means the cycle is continuing.
This isn’t the first time this has happened.
And it won’t be the last.
Sure, the cycle is more exaggerated this time than in the past.
But it too shall pass.
And the same cycle which sees house prices continue to rise year after year, rents increase and property investors get richer and richer?
They’ll continue too.
I hope this helps.
P.S. An informed investor is a successful investor.
Most investors make the wrong moves because they made the wrong call on the market.
And they made the wrong call because they relied on the wrong information.
Give me 30 minutes and I’ll show you what’s going on, and how the emerging opportunities in the cycle can set you up for wealth and income in the coming years.
Click here to book a free 30 minute call with me – let’s see what’s possible for you (no obligation to do anything if you don’t want)
30 may 2022 - [Announcement] – Get your questions answered live
If there’s one thing I love, it’s real estate.
I could talk about it all day.
I dream about it.
I’m kind of obsessed with it.
I’m running a LIVE Q&A session at [TIME].
Any burning questions you have, jump on and I’ll be here from until [FINISH TIME] to answer them for you.
I’m running it on ZOOM, which means all you need to do is click on the link and you’ll join me.
Naturally, you can ask me anything you like.
Interest rates, where to buy, what to buy, what the different structures to buy in are, anything you want.
Frankly, nothing’s off-limits.
You see, because I love real estate so much, I HATE seeing people not take action because they weren’t sure of something.
And not being able to ask a simple question has cost plenty of people a fortune.
So now’s your chance.
I’m hoping this will be a regular event so get on and ask away!
Here’s the link to join.
[Enter the raw link here]
To your future success,
22 may 2022 - We need to talk about Metricon
OK, the election’s over and everyone’s talking about it. So … I won’t because there’s something way more important to discuss.
It’s Metricon.
You probably heard last week that the nation’s biggest home builder could be in strife.
And that’s a worry.
Of course, I’m not saying they’re going under.
The last thing I need is to be sued so they can pay their coffee supplier.
And they’ve said they’re fine as well, so whatever.
But, do you believe them?
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
And if reports that they’re in discussions with the Victorian state government to get some ‘assistance’ are true, then who knows what could happen.
They’ve got thousands of staff, and tens of thousands of tradies relying on their builds.
So I can’t imagine they’d be left to go under without some kind of backup plan in place.
… if the worst-case scenario came true then another builder would probably come in.
Except it’s not that easy.
They wouldn’t complete any work for the same price the customers signed on for.
The cost of building, lack of tradies (3.9% unemployment remember) and not enough building materials mean they’d have to charge more.
And this would mean borrowers need more finance.
And all this in an environment with high inflation and rising interest rates.
So yeah, it COULD get ugly.
So, what does this mean for investors?
You see, there are ways to turn what looks like a bad market on its head.
For example, if builders are going under it means properties can be picked up for a bargain.
Same as houses owned by people who over-extended themselves and want to get out before the banks foreclose on them.
And with immigration coming back plus a potential slowdown of supply, rental yields could go through the roof.
So should you worry?
Not at all.
Worry is for people who don’t know what’s going on.
For people who know what’s going on and are prepared for it, it can lead to great opportunities.
I hope you’re on the right side of the fence.
To your future success,
P.S. I’m covering the best strategies for today’s environment on our next online briefing on Wednesday at 8 pm.
It’s not a long session either, probably around 30 – 40 minutes.
However, it’ll give you clarity and a fresh perspective on what you should be doing over the next 18 months to create wealth.
Click here to join (it’s FREE) and I’ll show you what you should be doing right now to take advantage of this unusual market
15 may 2022 - Elections, rates, inflation. The end for property … or is it?
Welcome to today’s edition of …
… what will we do next?
Proudly brought to you by the election, rising interest rates, and rocketing inflation.
Now, most people of course would pull back and do nothing.
A new labor government (let’s face it, it’s a dead certainty).
Plus 5%+ inflation.
And interest rates pushing higher to cap it all off.
So yeah, now’s the time to sit and do nothing.
Or is it…
On Wednesday I’m running a special investor briefing to answer this exact question.
Is now the time to sit and wait … or is being counter-intuitive a smarter move? Find out on Wednesday at 8 pm
You see, we’ve been here before.
Over the last 20 years, I can’t remember a time when there WASN’T a reason to invest.
With inflation, rising interest rates, and unemployment going up, the boom has peaked (apparently).
More elections, a war going on somewhere, Covid.
Imagine you’d ignored all these reasons not to invest.
And you’d bought in 2002, then as it went up in value you’d used the equity to invest in another.
And then another, and another as the equity became available.
Ouch, kinda hurts, doesn’t it?
So …
… are you going to keep using the same failed logic to stay out of the market again?
Or have you realised that other factors are continuing to drive prices and rents higher?
I’m running this special investor briefing on Wednesday to show you how to create wealth in today’s market.
And there’s no cost to join.
If you were planning on sitting on the fence for a while, then you need to be on this briefing. Click here to register
This is the reason some people make enough to retire (and more) from real estate, while others sit and watch from the sidelines.
To your future success,
P.S. I’ve kept this briefing deliberately short.
I know you’re busy, and so I’m giving you the information without the waffle.
Of course, this means we’re covering some serious ground fast, so make sure you’re on time and ready to go at 8 pm.
Click here to register for Wednesday’s FREE investor briefing
9 may 2022 - [LIVE tomorrow] How smart investors make money when rates rise
If I went back 30 years, I’d find a reason not to invest in every single one of them.
A crash is coming.
Rates are going to rise.
Rates ARE rising.
Inflation’s up.
My neighbor says it’s a bad time to invest.
But if you’d started 30 years ago and stuck with a good plan, you’d be a millionaire by now.
Probably a multi-millionaire.
So, what happens when inflation soars and rates go up?
I’ll show you how to profit tomorrow at [TIME] at my LIVE online investor briefing.
Join now – FREE investor briefing – Tuesday at [TIME].
We’re going for 30 – 40 minutes, and if you want to stick around for some Q&A at the end then bring your questions along and I’ll stay until everyone’s question is answered.
See you at the briefing,
2 may 2022 - Sorry dreamers – Albo drops a bombshell
The idea of house prices being an election issue is a dream.
You’d be pretty sure that Scomo’s not interested.
But maybe, just maybe if you’re a dreamer Albo might come to the rescue.
Well, if you’re dreaming of lower house prices after the election then over the weekend …
… Albo took a rocket launcher and blew your dream to smithereens.
Instead of policies intended to get house prices down …
… his government will (if they get in) become a shareholder in houses as high as 40%.
What does this mean in the real world?
More buyers who, until now couldn’t afford a house can suddenly get in.
More demand.
And higher prices.
House prices are not going down.
And this is why you need to click here join me for an important briefing on the 10th of May at 7:30 pm (Sydney time).
If you can afford your own house then great.
Two houses?
Even better.
In fact, I’ve proven the magic number is 5.
At 5 you can replace the average income.
And since only 1% of investors ever get to 5 homes, I’m running this special briefing to show you how it’s done.
Click here to join the “1% Club Briefing” on the 10th of May – no cost to attend … Approximately only 30 – 40 minutes in duration
And now both sides of government are determined not to lower house prices, you’re on a pretty sure thing.
To your future success,
P.S. Did you know even though Albo claims to be fighting for the Aussie battler, he owns several investment properties worth as much as $5 million.
If you want some clarity on what financial decisions to make, take my advice and …
… follow the money.
Join me for this special briefing – could this be the safest way to guarantee your (potentially early) retirement income?
29 Apr 2022 - The WORST property advisor in the world
I’m not going to name names here because I’m not wired that way.
However, of all the advisors (and I use the word loosely) I’ve ever come across this guy probably takes the cake.
Before I do though, have you booked your spot in my upcoming online briefing on the 10th of May?
If you haven’t booked your spot yet, click here (it’s free)
Anyway, this guy was putting clients into house and land packages in a brand new area west of Melbourne.
Mind you, this area was surrounded by farmland (it was a farm itself a few years ago), and this meant developers could build houses as far as the eye could see.
In other words, years of chronic oversupply coming up (and that’s bad).
Every house in this suburb was a carbon copy of the one next door.
Plus traffic was horrendous, it was miles from the CBD, and the only reason people moved there was …
… because it was cheap.
Then to top it off, he was blindsided when the council approved more development.
Councils, more money, more power, more population – who’d have thought they’d keep going, right?
Listen, this guy made every mistake in the book.
His clients were sidelined in one of the biggest booms in Melbourne’s history.
And they probably swore off investing for life.
This is why I’m running a special briefing on the 10th of May.
It’s to show you the right moves for you to make now.
And how to join the 1% of people who own 5 investment properties.
Listen, it’s not as hard as you might think.
All it takes is the right moves.
And I’ll show you what they are in the briefing.
This briefing is free, and I’ll show you the one essential piece of the puzzle which every other advisor is missing.
To your future success,
P.S. I know your time is valuable.
So this isn’t going to be a bore-a-thon like other presentations.
I’m going to get in, show you what you need to know, and get out.
I’d say 30 minutes, 40 max.

25 Apr 2022 - Let’s get you into the 1% club
The 1% Club is the 1% of investors who have 5 or more investment properties.
And 5 is the number you need to be financially free where the passive income is enough to replace your wage.
Except, most people never get that far.
(That’s why it’s the 1% club, not the 80% club!)
And realistically, it’s not as easy as buying random houses all over the place.
However, it’s very doable as long as you’ve got a plan and you follow it.
So I’m running a special online briefing on Wednesday the 4th of May at 7:30 pm to show you how.
[Free investor briefing] Join us on the 4th of May at 7:30 pm and I’ll show you how to join the 1% club
I’m going to show you why ‘PLAN’ is the most important word in your vocabulary from now, not ‘location’.
I’m going to show you how to put it together, and what you need to take into account.
And if you ignore these important elements, it can make the difference between a life where you keep struggling to stay afloat, and a life where money is never a worry again.
Plus I’m going to show you where to invest and where to avoid achieving your goals faster.
(Most investors go into the wrong areas, and I’ll show you why).
I’m tired of seeing good, honest people fall victim to vultures who sell them a single property with no plan in place and no hope of ever giving them the growth or income they need.
What I’m doing is a game-changer.
I’m taking the industry head-on.
And on this briefing, I’m going to start you on your journey in a way where you can succeed.
Let’s get started on your journey into the 1% club. Join the briefing by clicking here (no cost).
Join this now and let’s get you onto the 1% club.
To your future success,
P.S. This isn’t going to be a long-winded webinar that takes 2 or 3 hours.
You’re busy, and I respect that.
I especially respect you’re going to sacrifice some of your family time to make their lives better.
So this briefing is only going to take 20 – 30 minutes.
I’m moving swiftly and giving you hard information.
I’m not waffling on because I love the sound of my own voice.
You don’t need longer than this to find out what it takes to join the 1% club.
Join the briefing (it’s free) and we’ll be done in 30 minutes max.
18 Apr 2022 -Government officially gives up on cheaper houses
Scomo just handed me the perfect bit of proof for this week’s email.
It’s about why the government won’t let house prices fall.
And proof they’ve given up on any chance it’ll ever happen.
They just announced the 50,000 places for the Home Guarantee Scheme will be renewed every year.
Basically, if you qualify you can get in with a 5% deposit, and the government coughs up the extra 15% so you can get in without a 20% deposit saved.
You see, the government knows house prices aren’t ever going to fall.
They’re only going one way.
And this is good news, which I’ll explain in a second.
First, though, I’ve put aside 15 minutes to see how you can turn this to your advantage.
Click the button and let’s talk.
Except for one group of people – first-home buyers.
So instead of policies to get prices down, they’re just leveling the playing field to give those who get left out a fighting chance.
(Us lucky homeowners get to use the equity in our homes to buy another house if we want.
First-home buyers have to save up the actual cash.
And I feel sorry for them because it ain’t easy).
It’s not just this scheme by the way.
There’s stamp duty concessions on offer in some states, first home buying grants, building grants, and all sorts of goodies on offer.
The Victorian government even have a scheme where the government will give you the 15% to get you 20% in exchange for co-ownership.
See what I mean?
They’ve given up on house prices ever falling.
In fact, the government (and I’m talking a coalition or a potential labour government here) doesn’t want house prices to go down.
And so their plan is to let them run and to give the people starting out a boost.
Why is it so?
For a start, it’s not popular with voters.
I mean, who wants to end up POORER after the government’s term is up?
Hardly a voter winner.
Then there’s the economic benefit of house prices going up.
You see, what happens is people borrow money against their house to spend it.
And economies move when money gets spent.
So they use it to buy an investment property.
Or to go on holiday, update their furniture, or renovate the house.
Some will even borrow the money to expand their business.
And that’s great news for the economy.
Goods and services.
Then when they sell and downsize they’ve got extra money for retirement.
That’s an odd one, isn’t it?
I bet you didn’t think about that one!
When you think about it though, if retirees have more cash when they downsize … they don’t need as much support from the pension.
The higher they go, the more money people can spend.
The economy gets a massive boost.
And the voters (sorry, I mean the people) are happy too.
Scomo has fired the first shot in this war.
Let’s see what Albo comes up with to grab his share of first home buyers.
To your future success,
P.S. If you’re a first home buyer, or you’ve got kids trying to get into this market then you need to know all about this scheme.
Of course, the coalition have to win first.
But odds are both sides will have something in place by election day.
Book a time with me, and see how taking advantage of this scheme could be the foundation block of a portfolio which turns into financial freedom.
30 Apr 2022 -Scomo dodges runners and finally gives us a date – what you need to know
We’re off and racing!
The gun went off on Sunday morning for the Canberra Marathon, leaving ScoMo to take the long way round from the airport to Government House.
Tony Abbot would, of course, have RUN the marathon. Then dissolved parliament while scoffing down a Gatorade, then dishing up some onions on the Governor General’s BBQ for good measure.
But Scotty got there in the end.
And between now and May 21st we’re going to be subjected to the biggest load of lies, BS, and falsehoods from two men, neither of whom should be trusted with your future.
Oh yeah, on that.
Who should you vote for?
Listen, I’m not going to give you an opinion on who you should vote for.
You do whatever you feel is right.
However, just don’t put your faith in either party.
They claim to be here to safeguard your future.
Except they won’t.
It’s not that they’re lying about it.
They’re simply incompetent.
The person you should rely on for your future is …
… you.
Forget the pension, job security, and public health.
You’re on your own.
You’ll need to make sure you’ve got more than enough assets and income so you can rise above anything which happens.
Pension age changing? You aren’t relying on it anyway.
Public health delays? Go private, you can afford it.
Lost your job? You’ve got enough money coming in from your portfolio for it not to matter.
The Canberra Clowns won’t look after you.
That’s going to be your job.
To show you what’s possible, I’m offering you 15 minutes of my time.
Most people are closer to being financially independent than they realise.
I’m always helping people who thought they couldn’t invest to get on their way.
And hey, it’s 15 minutes which could change everything for you.
To your future success,
P.S. Remind me, next week I’m going to tell you why NEITHER party can afford house prices to fall.
Plus the proof that shows you they’re not going to ever lower them.
Once you read it, you’ll know it doesn’t matter who’s in power, if you’re an investor they’ve got your back.
30 Mar 2022 -This stupid budget is like feeding goldfish
I don’t know what you think, but I reckon the budget sucked.
In fact, I reckon all budgets suck.
Labor, liberal. They’re all the same.
It’s all smoke and mirrors where the government gets into massive debt to make people like you and me dependent on their money.
Which is really OUR money they’re just giving back to us.
I say it’s like feeding the goldfish because when you sprinkle a tiny bit of food on top of the water the fish come racing up desperate to gobble up as much as they can.
Listen, you can’t afford to get dependent on government money.
If you were to go walk around the rich suburbs and ask the people who live there what they thought of the budget …
… most of them probably wouldn’t have even known it was on.
And that’s because they refused to be reliant on the budget.
They created their own economies.
Their own financial worlds.
They created wealth independent of the yearly feeding of the goldfish.
And I don’t want you to fall into the trap of being dependent on the government.
Remember, they gave away lots of goodies.
But this is the same government that is raising the pension age to 67.
They’re constantly increasing taxes and creating new ones.
And spending billions of dollars of YOUR money to buy YOUR vote.
Now, I’m not going to go all anti-government on you.
Not at all.
My advice isn’t to rise-up against the powers.
This is why I’m so passionate about people investing in real estate.
I see my clients go from being like most people, watching their budgets and finances like hawks, dependent on the latest rebate changes to childcare, tax cuts, and parental leave schemes.
And end up financially independent where none of these things matter.
They enjoy the top private health insurance.
They can walk away from their jobs knowing they don’t need to work anymore.
They can drop money on a great meal anywhere they choose.
The best private schools are all options they can easily afford.
And they choose their next holidays based on what they’d love to do instead of how much they’ve got in the bank.
What does it take?
It takes patience and a plan.
It won’t happen overnight.
Nothing ever does.
However, with the right plan in place, it will take you far less time than you probably think.
And this is what’s on offer when you book a time to chat with me.
It’s only a 15-minute chat.
However, in these 15 minutes, I’m going to show you what’s possible for you.
And how long it could take to get you here.
There’s no obligation to do anything more.
I’d be thrilled if I achieved nothing more than planting the seed in your mind as to what’s possible.
It’s 15 minutes.
There’s no cost.
And no obligation to do anything.
To your future success,
24 Mar 2022 -The biggest returns you’ll ever see
Back in 1959, a young man bought a house in Five Docks in Sydney from his cousin.
He was so happy to secure it, he paid the entire £4,500 (around $8,000) in cash.
I can hear the conversations now.
“How much did you pay you fool? £4,500 – you must be NUTS. House prices are going to FALL, didn’t you know? I heard it on the wireless.”
Anyway, they didn’t fall.
And 63 years later this little house had seen a beautiful family raised and its owners get old and pass away.
The house did its job.
And a fortnight ago it finally sold again.
Only this time it sold for a slightly higher price.
It sold for $3,535,000.
That’s a return of …
… 45,000%.
So when I say real estate is a good investment, I’m not kidding.
Of course, it was never bought as an investment property.
However, it just goes to show …
… house prices really do increase over time.
It’s why I love property, and why you should love it too.
It’s consistent and it’s reliable.
You can count on it going up over time.
And when you choose the right property, it can go up surprisingly quickly.
Maybe not this much of course.
However, it can also be something which gives your children and even their children a huge headstart in their lives too.
You might have goals like these.
You might have goals around retiring early.
Or being able to support a favourite charity.
Whatever they are, let’s talk about it.
I’m inviting you to a free 15-minute strategy review session to see what could be possible for you.
And to see how realistic your goals are.
You might be surprised, you could be closer than you think.
Click the button and book your time.
There’s no cost and no obligation.
And it could open your eyes to a new opportunity you never thought was possible.
To your future success,
P.S. If this house continues to grow at the same rate, and there’s no reason it wouldn’t then in another 63 years it’ll be worth $1.4 billion.
Now you might think that’s insane, and nobody would ever, ever EVER pay over a billion dollars for a house.
Except, when you think about it, it must have sounded equally absurd back in 1959 that the next time the house sold, it would sell for over $3 million.
People keep saying that house prices can’t go much higher.
And yet they keep climbing and climbing and climbing.
Done right, you can get onto this train and it doesn’t even need to cost you a cent out of your own pocket.
In fact, it can also start off with a slight income which gets higher and higher each year.
Anyway, there’s a lot more to this so book a time with me and we’ll go through it.
17 Mar 2022 -A brutal warning for investors
If I could give you one warning as an investor it would be …
“Trust No-One”.
Not even me.
You might have read about some big-name builders like ProBuild and ConDev going under.
Rumour has it there are others on the brink too.
Well, there’s all sorts of reasons for this.
For a start, material prices are skyrocketing due to Covid. (Basically, the factories which make them are half empty because the staff are sick, so the supply is drying up).
Then builders can’t get tradies because THEY’RE sick, or their kids are sick so they have to isolate.
Oh, and let me tell you, if your painter cancels this week, they’re not coming back next week by the way. They’re booked solid. You’ll be lucky if they answer your calls.
And so projects get impossibly behind, holding costs go through the roof, and material costs cut into what’s left.
The point is, it’s getting ugly out there.
So …
… trust no-one.
With so much craziness, there’s going to be all sorts of shonky stuff going on.
Developers who are desperate for cash flogging off their houses by offering property resellers HUGE commissions if they can get the sale.
And something which might be described as great for investors – isn’t.
Please, when you look at your options make sure you look at what’s in front of you carefully.
Check out price predictions and price history for the area.
Figure out what’s going to drive growth and rents.
And make damn sure you know how much it’s worth, and even whether it’s a good long term investment or not.
Hey, if you’re working with me then put my recommendations to the sword too.
I don’t care if you do. I love it when it happens.
There’s all sorts of shonky stuff going on.
Yet there are excellent deals too.
Make sure you know the difference.
P.S. Want to find out more? Let’s chat.
You can click the button below and we’ll see what your future could look like with the right investing plan.
All the properties I recommend for my clients need to meet very specific criteria which is unique to them. And I make sure they know why I recommend what I do, and I can back it up with the proof.
14 Mar 2022 -This is why your grandma read you fables
Did your grandmother read your fables as a kid?
If she didn’t maybe your mother did.
Or your teachers at school.
There’s a good reason for this.
Fables are stories which teach you important lessons about life.
The boy who cried wolf is a great one.
The tortoise and the hare is a superb teacher too.
But for me, my fave is the farmer who killed the golden goose.
And that’s because I see the lesson repeated over and over and over again.
Here’s how.
In the fable, a farmer discovers he has a goose which, instead of laying normal eggs, lays golden eggs.
This is great because he’s getting these solid gold eggs every day and he’s getting richer.
But then he gets greedy.
Uh-oh. I can feel a lesson coming on.
He figures if he kills the goose which lays the golden eggs, it’ll be full of golden eggs and he’ll cash in right away.
So he goes you to the shed, cuts its head off, and slices it open …
… only to find there’s no gold in it at all.
There’s no more golden eggs tomorrow either.
Your investment portfolio is your golden goose.
Yet most investors see a couple of hundred thousand in equity in there, and instead of leaving it to keep ticking up in value and enjoying a small but growing income …
… they kill the golden goose to pay off the car loan, and the school fees and go on a big massive holiday (because they deserve it, right?)
But now there’s no more growing wealth.
No more equity which can buy that second house.
Nothing left at all.
(Apart from their old investment which is making someone else rich now).
It’s the biggest mistake I see investors make.
Selling a perfectly good property to quickly grab all the gold out of it … and robbing themselves of a golden future.
That property could have been the deposit for a second.
Then there’s two properties which means their third property comes even sooner.
And all the while the rents are going up and up giving them more and more income and a much more enjoyable lifestyle.
So listen.
Don’t steal your future away by killing the goose which lays the golden eggs.
I hope you enjoyed story time today.
And you listen to the advice.
P.S. What makes it easier to hold onto your properties is knowing it’s part of the bigger picture.
This is what I help people like you do.
Create a strategy where your investing strategy supports your life goals.
This way selling a property prematurely would be like chopping off one of your own legs.
Want to chat about it?
I’ve put some time aside for you.
7 Mar 2022 - Invitation to join the ‘secret 1% club’
You’ve heard about some of these secret clubs, right?
Skull and Bones.
The Masonic Lodge
Good news – did you know there’s a secret property investors club too?
It’s called the 1% club.
And it’s only for people with 5 or more investment properties.
Right now there are only around 20,000 members.
And you’re invited to join them.
You see, in my experience, it takes 5 investment properties to be completely financially free.
There’s a method behind it, and I can explain it.
(You can book a time below to chat with me and I’ll take you through it).
What you need to know for now though is that 5 is the number.
The funny thing is, of all the investors who buy an investment property to help them create wealth …
… 99% never achieve their target.
No wonder it’s so lonely in the 1% club.
There’s a reason for this.
Too many investors don’t have a good enough medium to long term plan.
And it’s not aligned with their goals or different stages of life.
In other words, a quick source of money.
What a disaster!
They sell themselves short, end up getting older, and don’t have anything to show for it.
And when they look at where they were heading before, they realise …
… they blew it.
Don’t be one of them.
If you give me 15 minutes, I can give you the concept of how to join the 1% club.
And if it makes sense, we can book a time to explore it further.
No pressure.
If it makes sense then we can talk further.
And if it doesn’t then no sweat.
At least you took the time to find out what your options were.
Onwards and upwards!
P.S. While you need 5 properties to give yourself enough income to stop working, there’s no reason to stop at 5.
Once you hit 5, you can keep going and going.
In fact, if you’re loving the lifestyle from your 5, you’ll adore the lifestyle from 10.
First – start with a plan to get to 5.
Then get them.
And you go from there.
27 Feb 2022 - Stop being shocked when ‘dumps’ fetch big money (real estate explained)
If you’re shocked every time an unlivable dump fetches big money then it’s time to think again.
20 years ago, the difference between a dumpy house and a great house was huge.
30 years ago, even bigger.
Go back even further, and most of the price you paid was for the bricks and mortar.
Not the land.
Today the house counts for barely a fraction of the price of a house.
I read about a house last week with an asking price of $2 million.
And it was a hoarder’s house which was full of rubbish and falling apart at the seams.
(Cue the shock article about insane house prices).
Except it’s in Ashbury, just 10k from the Sydney CBD on almost 600 sqm.
Someone’s going to get this and build 3 townhouses on it.
And frankly, since the house is destined to be demolished anyway, it wouldn’t matter if it’s a cute Edwardian Cottage … or a rat infested shack.
The guy with the bulldozer doesn’t care.
A few hours is all it takes to turn it into a pile of rubble.
This is why your choice of location is so important.
The land and the location is where the action is.
Property values today can be as much as 80% land and just 20% house.
(The one in Ashbury would probably go for even more if there was no house there at all.)
And it’s the value of the land which goes up.
The physical house actually goes down in value as it ages.
You can get a house and land package where 50% of what you pay is the land and 50% is the house.
Every year the house goes down in value, and some of the capital gain of the land has to offset this loss.
And with so little capital gain anyway thanks to the ever-expanding suburban fringes, you can easily end up with a dog which never goes up in price.
My advice?
Look at what the real estate market really is.
It’s now about land and location, and not the actual property.
The property is there so you can rent it and give you income.
That’s all.
I hope this helps your thinking about real estate.
I’d love to hear from you by the way.
Agree, disagree, I don’t care.
Shoot me a reply and let me know your thoughts.
P.S. When you want to use real estate to create more wealth and income, let’s chat about your goals and I can put together a plan for you.
Click the button to access my appointment calendar and book a time.
21 Feb 2022 - Government loses control of house prices
It’s as close to official as can be.
The government has lost complete control of house prices, and there’s no denying it.
The days of the low-income factory worker being able to afford a 3 bedroom house in the suburbs on a quarter acre are dead and buried.
These days, a tiny apartment in the CBD or a townhouse 30k from the city centre are the best they can hope for.
Which is quite sad actually.
However, we can’t dwell on it. It’s just the way it is.
And you can take advantage of it if you’re smart.
Someone will, so why not you?
Now, you might wonder if the government get house prices down eventually?
However, the reality is the government can barely organise a chook raffle at the pub.
So forget anything meaningful from them.
(And I’m talking state and federal – both parties too).
They’ve lost control so badly that state governments are offering huge incentives to first home buyers and people who build.
They know the typical first home buyer is struggling to get into the market, and all they can do is throw money at them to level up the playing field.
The Victorian government even has a co-ownership scheme with low income earners to get them into the market.
And the Grattan Institute is pushing the federal government to run a scheme where they contribute up to 30% of a house for first home buyers on low incomes.
Good idea?
Well, it depends on which way you look at it.
What these schemes do is help people into the market by pouring more tax dollars into it.
So whether it’s an inspired move or a disaster depends on where you are.
If you’re a first home buyer it’s fantastic.
The government will pour more and more money into the market and push house prices up even more.
See where I’m going with this?
I can’t see any negatives for low income earners which is great.
And I can’t see any negatives for us either.
Our job is to follow the money, and right now this is where it’s heading.
Want to find out how you can take advantage of something like this?
Then let’s talk.
Click on the button and we’ll talk about your goals, and why something like this is effectively a government backed boom.
P.S. There’s an election coming up and there’s blood in the water.
Albo can sniff victory.
And Scomo is scrambling to save his backside.
Don’t be surprised if schemes like this are put on the table very soon.

14 Feb 2022 - Is Duncan Yelds a ‘get-rich-quick’ spruiker?
If you’ve been reading my emails you’d know about what I do and how I do it.
And you’d know I’m not a get-rich-quick spruiker.
A ‘get rich quick’ artist is someone who promises the world, even though they know they can’t deliver it.
And that’s not me.
OK, so I guess the question is …
… “Can you get rich quick in real estate?”
And the answer is …
Yes. Kind of.
Getting rich quickly in real estate can be done, however, it’s not simple.
The faster you want your wealth, the more complex it is and the more work you have to do.
Plus the more risk you have to take on.
Think about flipping a property. You could make a $100,000 profit doing this in a few months.
However, you need to be handy.
You need to know construction.
You need to be prepared to roll up your sleeves and work hard while your project is on.
And of course, you’ve got to fund the work and stick to a deadline because slippages can cost big money.
Then if you want even bigger profits, you’re talking about being developer and that’s a whole new kettle of fish there.
If you win that game, you win big time.
So I’m not promising to get rich quickly through the property.
I’m promising to get rich … slower.
Slower than those really active, high-risk strategies.
But faster than working 9-5 and squirreling a few dollars away in your super.
And faster than if you went with a haphazard approach without a plan behind it.
What I do is carefully plan out your next 5 – 10 years with you.
They find the best properties for getting you there.
And because it’s conservative, odds are we can get you there faster than expected.
It’s pushing the boundary of speed as hard as possible while letting you remain a passive investor.
Or in other words, it’s as fast as you can go without taking on the high-work, high-risk game.
If this sounds like you then let’s talk and see what’s possible.
P.S. If you want to try your hand at the higher-risk game, then at least start here and get a feel for investing.
When you’re ready to step up, you’ll have more than experience. You’ll also have some equity and cash flow to help you along.
It’s the perfect first step, so let’s talk and you tell me what you’re looking to do and I’ll give you your first steps.
7 Feb 2022 - Crazy spider fascinated me
I’ve got a spider’s web outside my house.
Don’t know why I never just got the broom onto it.
I guess I just found it more interesting to see what went on.
And this poor old spider.
He builds this amazing web.
He sat there for weeks.
And … nothing.
Then one day he just disappeared (hopefully not into my shoes of course).
But a couple of weeks later and that web of his was full of insects, like the ones which come out one time in summer.
Poor thing, he’d have had a feast if only he’d stuck it out.
But he didn’t.
Then, a new spider moved in and he got it all to himself.
Just like investing in real estate.
You can’t be impatient or you’ll leave the big gains to someone else.
I’ve seen people invest in areas which barely moved, only to get impatient and sell up …
… just before the prices exploded.
When you build a web or invest in real estate you have to know why you’re doing it and what the future holds.
Otherwise, you could be making a bad decision which could lead to an even worse decision.
I’m running some free strategy sessions to see what your best path forward should be.
And they’re FREE to get one with me.
Just one different decision could put you on a path to prosperity and wealth.
Let’s talk.
P.S. Unlike in this example, I’d never recommend a house which didn’t go up in value quickly.
I study the markets closely and know which areas are poised to boom next, and which areas won’t move for a while yet.
By getting into areas which are about to move, you build equity quickly which you can re-use sooner to invest again.
Anyway, I’ll explain this fully in your strategy session.
25 Jan 2022 - This is happening in the economy and nobody’s talking about it
I’m pretty obsessed with the economy.
Especially now since I’ve been stuck at home trying to avoid Covid which is everywhere.
And I’ve spotted something which most economists have missed.
You see, they’ve got their heads buried in charts and graphs.
And none of them have got their hands dirty in the real world.
That’s a problem because something’s happening.
And I can’t see it being pleasant.
At the moment a major cash crisis is underway.
Businesses right across the country have been smashed around because half the workforce has been off.
I mean, Christmas and New Year put a halt on things for a few weeks anyway.
But add to that a lack of staff thanks to Covid. It seems like everyone’s sick at home or at least been a close contact.
Businesses have closed or gone down to minimum staff, and this means no income.
Construction projects have got weeks behind.
And this means builders aren’t placing orders with suppliers.
And those suppliers can’t pay their invoices to THEIR suppliers.
Don’t think this is just one industry either. It’s happening right across the board.
Companies who don’t have cash are canceling non-essential work – think IT support, legal stuff, new HR work. And now they’re under the pump without much work.
In short, nobody’s got money coming in.
From what I hear, every business’ late payments are through the roof.
However, the good news is it’s only temporary.
Except it’s going to take time to unwind and get back to normal.
I’m tipping 2 – 3 months before things start flowing again and get back to normal.
In the meantime though, expect late payments to be the norm.
And from your point of view as an investor, expect to pick up bargains if it continues, but also expect to wait if you’re building anything.
It could be an exceptional time for you if you’ve got a strategy behind you.
Times like these can present opportunities to accelerate your wealth creation.
And that’s why you should be ready with your strategy so you can act immediately.
I’m ready to help you put yours together.
P.S. Times like these can make or break for investors.
Amateurs sit on the sidelines, unsure of what’s going on and too scared to get into the market.
They’re the ones who did nothing when Covid hit and missed out on the biggest price jump of their lifetime.
Professionals get the facts on what’s happening and work out how to turn it to their advantage.
Which one are you?
If you’re the professional, or at least you act like one then get ready to act by taking up one of my limited FREE strategy sessions.
21 DEC 2021 - Why I LOVE inflation
Last time I emailed you I was talking about inflation.
If you yawned at the start of reading it I bet you were wide awake by the end.
It ain’t boring. In fact, in the right hands, this concept can make you richer without lifting a finger.
Let’s go.
First of all, inflation isn’t something to be scared of. It’s natural and it’s been happening forever. So, love it or hate it, you can’t avoid it.
So you may as well exploit it.
Now, there are books and books written on inflation full of neat graphs and tables using complex mathematical equations.
And if you like monetary theory, go find some and knock yourself out.
However if you just like money in practice then this is what you really need to know.
It’s like when house prices go up and people say …
… so what? Now I can sell my house for $800,000 and all I can do is buy another identical house for $800,000.
I haven’t won at all.
OK, grasshopper.
That’s true.
However (here it comes) what if you had 2 houses?
Sure, the one you bought for $400,000 which is now worth $800,000 might not get you a nicer house because all houses have gone up.
But what if you had 2?
Now you could sell your own home and buy something similar (so who cares) but you’d also have a $400,000 increase in the other one.
That’s real money.
You can use it to invest again.
Or you can sell that second house and pay off your first.
Or sell both and upgrade to a $1,200,000 house.
OK, let me make something clear.
Inflation is not the biggest driver behind house prices.
Increasing demand and not enough supply are much bigger and so is monetary supply.
However, inflation helps.
It’s adding some of the growth we enjoy as investors.
And it’s increasing rents too, so happy days!
If you were a dreamer, you’d dream of high wage growth and high inflation and you’d have lots of houses.
That’s how you do it.
P.S. You can exploit this too if you’ve got a high-quality property portfolio.
Want to find out how?
Then click the button and set up a time to talk.
12 Dec 2021 -Inflation sucks … or does it?
If there’s one thing which gets people’s backs up it’s inflation.
People HATE it with a passion.
And with the USA hitting 6.8% inflation, it’s like the world is coming to an end.
But is it really the bogeyman everyone thinks it is?
The TRUTH about inflation.
OK, sure. Inflation means ‘stuff’ is more expensive.
So let’s quickly dive into inflation and see what’s really going on and whether it’s actually that bad.
First, how do they calculate inflation?
Inflation is calculated as a typical spend for an Australian household.
What the RBA do is price check a basket of goods from the supermarket which a typical family might buy.
Bread, milk, pasta, booze, that kind of stuff.
Then they add in fuel, healthcare, education, clothes, your phone, recreation, and housing costs.
And they come up with a figure of how much the typical family spends.
Then they work out how much it’s changed since the same time last year.
And that’s how they work it out.
Now, depending on what you spend your money on it might be realistic for you. But it might not.
Either way, it’s a very general figure to give an overall view of how much stuff costs.
Is it bad?
Inflation’s got a bad rap because it means you need to spend more money on the same goods.
But it’s actually a normal phenomenon in the economy and it’s been going on forever.
You only need to see old newspaper ads with cans of tomatoes for 12 cents a can, and new cars for $3,000 to realise this.
So you can’t really change it. It’s like the changing of the season.
It’s also worth remembering that people can’t pay more for goods unless they’ve got more money.
(The notable exception are some nations in Africa where inflation went so crazy it was cheaper to wallpaper your house with cash than paint it.
But we’re not like that so don’t stress.)
And now with low-interest rates plus all the stimulus around, people have more money.
Inflation usually means there’s been an increase in wages, and that’s what we’re seeing.
See, they’re pretty closely matched, right?
Add in the low interest rates and I reckon we’re going to see inflation running on the high side for the next couple of years at least.
And the point of all this is to show you that inflation isn’t a bad thing.
In fact, most of the time it’s a good economic indicator because it means there’s plenty of money around.
My fingers are starting to hurt and this is becoming a pretty long explainer.
I hope it makes sense so far.
Next week I’m going to show you why inflation is an investor’s best friend.
Read that because it’ll turn everything you might have hated about inflation into a love affair.
Until then…
P.S. If you’re quick you can get your investing strategy sorted out with me this side of Christmas.
I’ve got a few spots left, but time’s running out and I want to take a breather just like you.
You’ve got to admit, it’ll be a pretty great feeling knowing your investing plan is done heading into a big 2022.
7 Dec 2021 - Will house prices really fall in 2023?
Hi, have you heard that house prices will fall in 2023?
There’s been a lot of beat-ups (I mean calm, unbiased, and informed media reporting) about it recently.
And a lot of people have been scared.
But am I?
You’ve got to be kidding.
Just ask yourself who the information is coming from.
It’s coming from the banks.
Yes, the same banks who completely FAILED to spot the boom we’re going through.
So there’s your first clue.
Tomorrow’s headline really should be:
Anyway, here’s my blunt advice.
Ignore the chatter like this.
Even if they’re right, and even if prices pull back a little in 2023 it’ll be off the back of huge prices between now and then. By getting into the market now I predict you’ll see significant increases which will far offset any potential minor reductions.
In other words, you might take 1 step backwards however that’s after taking 5 steps forward.
And then you’ll take another 5 steps forward again.
Besides, any drop would only be minor and only be temporary, really nothing more than a minor blip.
Plus, by getting into the right suburb with well above average capital growth you’ll still have price increases, albeit less than in other years.
Here it is in a nutshell:
Property is a long-term strategic play, and once you put your strategy in place you stick with it.
Listen to the experts like me who are in this day in and day out, and who don’t have a vested interest in selling advertising space in newspapers, or ads on online news sites.
Then whenever you hear chatter you can sit back feeling smug.
You’ll know the truth, and you’ll enjoy years of prosperity because you weren’t sucked in.
P.S. I’ve got some places coming up for 1 on 1 strategic review.
I’ll take you through everything I’ve been through here and show you a path forward to a bright and wealthy future.
23 Nov 2021 - The three different areas you can invest in – and which one beats the other two
There’s a lot of talk about where to invest.
So I thought I’d take a moment to give you a quick lesson on the three main areas you can invest in.
And which one beats the others by a mile?
First, the inner city CBD high rise.
Second, new developments in the outer suburbs.
And third, inner to middle ring areas.
OK, let’s go. We’ll deal with them one by one.
First, the inner city CBD high rise.
Good option or bad option?
Frankly, these are a bad, bad idea. And the reason is simply oversupply.
You don’t need much physical land to put up a high-rise block. Maybe 2,000 metres and you could put up 200 apartments meaning each apartment has …
… about 10 square meters worth of land.
The rest is air.
What this really means is developers can whack these up almost anywhere. And they will.
Now, you’ve got the problem of almost unlimited supply keeping capital growth down low.
OK, second – outer suburbs
Oddly enough, you’ve got the exact opposite situation here with the exact same result.
Sure, these houses are on bigger blocks but there’s almost no limit to how far they can keep building.
I’ve been to areas where houses are being built on the edge of vast expanses of empty land.
Look over the back fence and there are miles and miles of grass and bush stretching out for miles and miles.
It means as soon as your house is built, they’ll be starting on another row of houses behind it.
Then another row, and another row, and another row.
In fact, instead of getting further away from shops …
… new shopping centers are going to spring up the further they go out. They’ll be like mini-cities with their own shops, schools, and doctors.
Just think about this.
You’re so far away from the main CBD it doesn’t matter. And a couple of years down the track, renters are going to want the brand new houses which are being built instead of yours since yours is now a couple of years old.
Anyhow, let’s look at option 3.
Third is infill developments.
Now we’re talking!
What’s been happening for the last 10 – 20 years is we haven’t been building enough houses for our population as it grows.
And now the councils and governments are in deep trouble.
So, rather than rely on the urban sprawl I just talked about, they’re scrambling to put up new developments in existing suburbs.
I’m talking about smaller townhouses, duplexes, triplexes, and smaller apartment complexes close to the action.
Places near actual jobs (which you don’t get in the outer suburbs).
Near existing schools and shops.
Doctors, dentists, and the like.
Plus close to places people want like established restaurants, cafes, parks, and even beaches if you can.
Places where (dare I say it) there’s a vibe and some culture and history.
Supply is limited because you can’t put these up anywhere.
And demand is exceptionally high because it’s where people want to live.
Make sense?
OK, this has been a fairly long email but I hope it was worth it.
If you’ve got any questions, feel free to email me back.
And whatever you do, don’t fall for the inner city apartment or outer suburb trick!
P.S. Ready to get started with your investing roadmap?
Let me talk you through the options and see what makes sense for you.
No cost. Just 30 minutes of your time to explore it with you.
10 Nov 2021 - Little known fact you’ll enjoy
Here’s a fun fact for you which you probably didn’t know.
Did you know one of the first people to put wheels on an office chair was naturalist Charles Darwin?
He put them on his study chair to get to different specimens more quickly.
There’s a smart guy, right?
He came up with the theory of natural selection, changed the face of biology forever … and invented the office chair while he was at it.
(I’m glad he had the city named after him and not a $47 chair from OfficeWorks.)
He was a smart guy who knew if you want to get something done faster, there’s probably a shortcut for you.
It means you’re taking the right steps which quickly build to get you the result you want.
It’s like the wheels on your chair.
You could have a chair without wheels. It’d work but it’d be slower if you needed to move around.
Investing in stuff randomly will probably work too.
It’ll just be unnecessarily slow, that’s all.
Anyhow, if you want a shortcut, click on the button and let me know.
We’ll talk for half an hour and then I’ll know what’s possible for you.
Have a prosperous day,
P.S. People are buying property like mad at the moment.
And it’s going to keep going.
Now is the time to get in and ride the wave.
Book a time with me, and let’s see what you can do.
10 Nov 2021 - Could Australia become a medieval serfdom?
I’m sitting on the porch looking at some blue sky creeping out for the first time in ages.
And about time I reckon.
Anyhow, maybe I’m putting too much thought into this but it suddenly struck me that …
… Australia is turning into medieval serfdom.
That’s how in the middle ages you had the wealthy landowners, and under them were hundreds of serfs or workers who were basically owned by the rich folk.
Now, we’re not into owning people anymore. That’s gone.
But listen.
I think I’ve got a point about this.
I can sit here in my house and get my tea cooked and delivered.
I can get my groceries dropped on my front door.
I can get a cleaner to scrub my toilet and my shower.
I can get my lawns mowed by Jim and my car cleaned while I grab a coffee.
Which means, the old days might be back.
Don’t believe me?
Go for a drive at 7 pm and you’ll see Uber drivers everywhere.
The Safeway truck is a regular in my street.
And if you look at job pages on Facebook every cleaning company in the country is screaming for more workers.
And they can’t find them.
Here’s something else I thought about.
(This email is meandering about a bit, isn’t it? But hang in there).
I read about something called the ‘Great Resignation’ which is a phenomenon playing out in the USA.
In August 4.3 million people left their jobs because they simply got sick of them.
And exhausted Aussies are doing the same, especially as lockdowns lift and they’ve got to drag themselves from their nice new house in the country back to the CBD to work.
Screw that, life’s too beautiful to work.
So now we’ve got a whole bunch of enlightened Aussies who think even turning up to work is too good for them.
Maybe they’ve got a point.
Something else?
Let’s look at what the top bean counters in NSW told the new premier last week.
They’re urging him to push for 2 million immigrants over the next 5 years.
(With his 7th kid on the way, you can’t say he isn’t trying.)
And with our current program at just over 200,000 a year, that’s almost double.
And that’s because post-WW2, our economy surged off the back of ‘New Australians’ from Italy, Greece, and everywhere else in Europe.
So, where does this leave us?
Just like the middle ages.
And a chronic housing shortage.
Do I smell an immigration-led boom coming?
You bet I do.
P.S. This boom is only just beginning.
The NSW bureaucrats have got it right.
Immigration is about to go into overdrive, and the housing shortage is going to get worse.
Do you know what a housing shortage means?
It means higher prices and steeper rents.
Let’s talk about it.
I’ve got some time set aside for people who want to see how they can take advantage of this.
10 Nov 2021 - When to ignore old people
There’s no doubt about how valuable the wisdom and advice of older folk is.
They’ve been there. They’d done that. And they know how things really are.
But when it comes to real estate, it’s often a good idea to give their advice a miss.
Because they remember how little houses used to cost. And they’re often convinced they can’t go any higher.
Mind you, that’s a lot of people who think this.
I remember probably 30 years ago reading an article about what $250,000 got you.
In the inner city, it got you a terrace house which needed work.
And in the country, it got you a few acres with a nice old heritage house on it.
Today you can only get a rundown fibro cement place in some tiny farming town.
And you’ll need to bring lots of tools and paint.
For most of us, $250k is a 20% deposit with costs. And that’s for the average house. Not a mansion.
But a million dollars for a house?
One … million … dollars.
That reminds me by the way.
Remember Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies?
He asked for one … million … dollars in ransom because he came from decades ago. And everyone had to correct him because that really wasn’t that much.
See how things change?
I digress.
Anyway, if you think $2 million houses aren’t going to happen, then you probably never thought $1 million houses wouldn’t happen either.
Yet here we are.
When people were buying houses back in the day for $5,000 they would have laughed if you told them they’d be $50,000 one day.
If only.
P.S. If you want to see how the continual rise in house prices can fuel your plans then set up a time to talk with me.
Click the button, choose a time, and let’s talk.

15 Nov 2021 - Was it good for you too?
If you haven’t jumped into the real estate market yet you might be kicking yourself this week.
But you don’t have to.
I’ll tell you why in a second, but first I’ll give you the background in case you missed it.
This week, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg forced the banks to increase their serviceability margin from 2.5% to 3%.
And you might think this is the beginning of the end for the market.
Except it’s not.
First though, here’s what this means.
When you apply for a loan, the banks factor in the potential for interest rates to go up.
You might be able to get a 3% loan today, but in 10 years you’ll probably be paying more.
At the moment, APRA (the body which bosses the banks around) makes them add 2.5% to their current rate and work out if they can afford to repay that much.
So, if their rates are 3%, they work out your repayments at 5.5% and check if you could afford it.
And if you can’t, they won’t lend you the money.
However, at the end of the month, this figure goes up.
At the end of the month, they’ll add 3% to their current rates, not 2.5%.
And this means they’ll be checking if you can afford the loan if rates were 6%.
Now, here’s my take on this.
First, it’s not a killer.
On an $800,000 loan from the CBA at the moment, your borrowing capacity would be $32,000 less.
That’s all.
In fact, it was always coming anyway.
The government and the RBA dropped rates to keep the economy alive during Covid.
And now vaccination rates are racing up, we’re about to re-open the country and get back to normal.
So it really makes sense to tighten the reins again.
What does this mean though?
It means the market will keep going up, only it’ll probably slow down a bit for a few months.
The reality is there’s still a heap of room to grow, even if people’s borrowing capacity gets trimmed.
The fundamentals are all in place for the market to keep growing.
And when you have a strategy in place, and you take action on it you couldn’t dream to be in a better place than Australian residential real estate.
This is a long-term game, and the rewards for being smart and ignoring the ‘doom and gloom’ can be enormous.
Let me help you put together a strategy.
Your first step is to book a strategy session with me.
Click the button here and let’s get started.
P.S. You haven’t missed the boat, but you will if you keep sitting on the sidelines.
Growth over the last 2 years has been enormous, and every day you sit on the fence is another day missed.
Or to put it another way, it could be another day longer you’ll be in a job you hate.
Don’t rush though.
Get it right and get it started.
Your first step should be putting your strategy in place, and you can do this by clicking the button above and booking a time to talk with me.
There’s no obligation to do anything. Just get the facts and make your own mind up.
15 Nov 2021 - Was it good for you too?
Have you heard?
There’s moves afoot to take the steam out of our raging hot market.
The government is (quite rightly) getting edgy about how fast the market’s hotting up.
And while they took the shackles off lending and dropped interest rates through Covid, it’s now time to pull the reins in.
How will they do it?
Probably a few tweaks at first to LVRs, forcing borrowers to have more in savings or other assets before they can borrow.
And limiting how much you can borrow on your income.
In other words, tightening the serviceability requirements so you can’t borrow quite as much.
Realistically, no.
The market has got out of shape, no question about it.
But the treasurer also knows he can’t jump the gun and kill the goose which is laying so many golden eggs.
Still, it’s not the time to be hasty.
You just need to be aware of two new rules, and you can still make exceptional profits as an investor.
First, you’ve got to accept that you can’t borrow and borrow and borrow.
And this means squeezing as much value out of each investment as you can.
And second, you should take the long-term view.
You should know what’s likely to come and make sure your plan accounts for a potential slowdown, and more importantly, you’ve got enough serviceability so if the rules change you can keep investing.
Imagine snapping up high-quality investments when the rest of the market’s forced to the benches.
And what it’ll mean when you’re set for the boom which follows.
Exciting times if you’re smart.
P.S. The big winners are the investors who have all this sorted out.
They’ll have their plan in place and can swiftly execute it as the market changes.
This is something I can show you.
Let’s set up a time to talk.
7 Feb 2023 - Like risks? Try diving off the cliffs
If you’re one of those risk-takers who love the thrill of the white-knuckled ride then the thought of cliff-diving might appeal to you.
So might running with the bulls.
Or walking through Melbourne or Sydney with a picnic basket.
(This will probably get you arrested or lynched).
Just don’t take the risk of assuming your finances will always be OK.
Most people’s financial plan is job -> superannuation/pension.
And in my opinion, this is the dumbest thing you can do.
For a start, you could lose your job at the drop of a hat.
The company you work for might look stable, but behind the scenes, it could be a mess on the verge of collapse.
Or internal politics might throw you on the unemployment scrap heap, too old or unqualified to ever get another decent job.
Then there’s the assumption that you won’t hit one of life’s hurdles like sickness or an injury which kills your income.
Or relying on your superannuation, getting hit by a GFC-type event as soon as you retire, and finding a fair chunk of your retirement plan vanishes before your eyes. And then finding the pension gets cut year after year. Or you’re suddenly not eligible for it at all.
Yet despite all this, people still believe investing in real estate is risky.
They fail to recognise the monumental risk they’re taking by relying on their job and superannuation.
And the craziness of not having another source of wealth and income backing them up.
One slip and it could spell disaster for them.
What about you?
There’s nothing wrong with going along with the job -> superannuation plan …if … you’ve got a backup plan in case it goes wrong.
And this is what I help you with in my free strategy session.
I’ll show you a way you can create a safety net for yourself and your family.
I’ll give you a way to make sure that your family won’t go without anything if something goes wrong.
And as a father myself, I know how important it is to take responsibility and not rely on other people and circumstances I can’t control.
Strategy sessions with me are free at the moment, but they won’t be for long.
15 Nov 2021 - Was it good for you too?
Poor Victoria.
If it’s not one thing, it’s another.
If it wasn’t for a pandemic crisis, the world’s longest lockdowns, and violent rallies … this week mother nature threw an earthquake at them.
At least life’s never boring.
Imagine lying in bed this morning in locked-down Melbourne and turning to your partner when the earthquake struck and saying …
“Was it good for you too?”
OK, before you complain … it’s just a joke.
What’s not a joke though is how disaster can strike.
And it’s times like these I think about reminding you …
… make sure all your insurances are up to date!
It’s lucky nobody was hurt today.
It’s also fortunate there wasn’t a lot of building damage.
The earthquake struck a long way from any major towns.
But sometimes the heavens open and your lounge room could turn into a river.
Possums in the roof could chew through the cables and burn your house down.
(I know someone this happened to.)
An earthquake could hit right under your house.
And if you’re not covered, the big bad insurance companies aren’t going to do you any favours.
P.S. Protecting your downside is one of the most important tasks I work through with investors.
Minimising your risks and limiting your potential losses is a key part of your strategy.
And if you still think investing is risky, then give me some of your time on a FREE strategy call to see if I can change your mind.
If you want to invest, but you’re being held back by some fears then let’s talk and see if I can put your mind at ease.
15 Nov 2021 - Surprising advice from a famous womaniser
Bill Gates probably isn’t flavour of the month right now.
I get that.
His personal life, as it turns out would make Hugh Heffner blush.
And his name has been splashed across every media outlet in the country.
However, he once said something incredibly profound and I wanted to share it with you.
That’s how valuable it is.
“People overestimate what they can achieve in 1 year and underestimate what they can achieve in 10”
It’s something I often deal with it.
And I wonder if this applies to you too.
What happens is people are in a rush and think they’re going to change the world overnight.
And they don’t.
So they quit, not realising that if they stayed on the path they’d build and build like a snowball.
And achieve more than they ever believed possible.
Investors are like this.
“Property investing doesn’t work”.
However, on the other hand, are the people who know it’s not an overnight game.
They stick it out and make some gains in the first year or two.
Then they reinvest those gains and it gives them another property.
Then the two become three.
Then the three become five.
Pretty soon they’re adding a house to their portfolio every year.
The rental income keeps rolling in.
They don’t stress when the bills arrive at home.
They’re driving a new car for the first time in their lives.
They’ve added an extra bedroom to their house and they’ve finally got Miele appliances instead some cheap Chinese cooktop.
And one day they sit down and talk about what life was like 10 years earlier, how it was a struggle to make ends meet, and how everything in their house was falling apart.
And realise how far they’ve come.
Getting established takes time, however, when you are the sky is the limit.
You just need to make the effort, be patient, and trust your strategy.
Just remember the words of Bill Gates.
P.S. Another saying which is similar is “The best time to plant an oak tree was 25 years ago. The second best time is now”.
I’ve got another saying which is “If you want to become wealthier and enjoy the life you always wanted, it starts with a free strategy review with Duncan”.
Click the button below to book a time with me.
And remember, when my new website launches shortly this session will no longer be free.
It’ll still be a great value when you’re paying for it, however, if it’s free now you may as well grab it.
15 Nov 2021 - A plague of spruikers
It’s like an attack on the property ads at the moment.
Maybe it’s just me but I’ve never been bombarded with so much advertising from property spruikers.
I see their ads on news sites, I see them on YouTube, and my Facebook is flooded with them.
Then to cap it off it follows me around the internet like a bad smell.
It’s like a plague of locusts in disguise.
But, why has there been so much advertising from the spruiker crowd?
It’s because they’ve been given the green light to run amok.
Low rates, government handouts, banks being encouraged to lend up big … and they’re trying to cash in fast.
And you could be a victim of their game plan.
What’s their game plan?
Their game plan is to get your money fast while they can.
They know they’ll probably only sell you one property.
Except they don’t care.
They know the market can’t boom forever.
Except they won’t tell you this.
They know the house and land rubbish they’re selling you will take years to go up enough in value for you to invest again.
What can you do about it?
Simple. Don’t do anything unless you’ve got a game plan in place which ticks these boxes.
- Your life goals have all been taken into account, and your strategy supports them. Your investing activities should align, if not intertwine with your path in life
- You should continue to grow your wealth regardless of any market downturns. Many won’t.
- You’re investing in quality stock where demand is high and supply is low, and not just because it’s ‘all you can afford’. There’s always a way if you try harder
- You have a strategy which gets you to property #5, not just property #1. I see too many people whose first investments and financing were chosen so poorly they couldn’t continue
Make sense?
Listen, you might want to invest right now.
And you might be tempted to rush out and grab the first option which pops up.
However, I’m going to urge you to be patient.
Set your game plan first.
It’s like how footy finals are here, and no team ever hits the field unless they’ve got their plan 100% nailed first.
And the winner is the one who has the best plan and executes it perfectly.
Same here.
Anyway, if you’re thinking of investing then let’s get together and put together a strategy first.
Click the button and get in touch and we’ll set it up.
P.S. I’m setting up a brand-new website now.
Not that that’s exciting for you.
However, you still need to know something important about it.
The new site has a payment function built into it.
And these strategic reviews will be chargeable.
It’ll be great value and worth every cent. However, it’ll set you back around $700.
So between now and then, I’m still doing these for no cost.
However, once it’s live you’ll have to invest some money to do this review.
If you’ve been putting this off then get in now.
15 Nov 2021 - The divorcee’s curse
There’s nothing pleasant about getting divorced.
If it happens to you (and I absolutely hope it doesn’t) it’s soul-destroying.
It can wreak havoc on your finances too.
Let me tell you about a client of mine, a single mother who went through this.
Traditionally her husband was the breadwinner in the family.
And he was also the financial decision-maker.
There’s nothing wrong with this by the way. In most relationships, one partner tends to gravitate towards this role.
However, if it’s not you, when you lose that partner it can be overwhelming.
And suddenly my client found herself …
- Without the breadwinner and biggest income earner
- With a huge chunk of cash from her divorce settlement
- Getting a small amount of child support
- And as a target for spruikers who saw her cash windfall as a big payday, they could transfer to themselves
Here’s the great irony.
People saw her big payday from the divorce. And they envied her.
Yet the long-term reality was very different.
She was renting at the time since her house had been sold as part of her divorce settlement.
And she was likely to keep renting for the rest of her life, which meant paying higher and higher rents to a landlord who was getting rich at her expense.
Plus she faced years of nomadic living, moving from house to house every time a landlord has a change of plans. And while this is hard enough on your own, it’s 10 times worse with kids.
She faced struggles with money too. She didn’t have a long career behind her she could fall back on. And when child support payments inevitably stop, her situation would become even more dire.
Plus her children would probably struggle too when they reached university – an incredibly expensive prospect for them. She wanted to set them up, but unless she took a different path it was impossible.
She came to me for help. And here’s what we did.
First of all, we needed to get her taxes up to date. And with a team around me, I had the right people in place to get her up to date and reduce what she was paying.
(When we did this we also discovered her ex-husband was paying too little in child support so we fixed this at the same time).
Next, we needed to pay off some debts.
It wasn’t nice seeing her big chunk of cash going down. However, it was far better to do it now and eliminate some monthly repayments.
Next, we worked out a strategy to build wealth through real estate.
And we found a property which was the right combination of cash flow, growth, and within her borrowing capacity.
Of course, it was a winner, going up 10% in value by the time it settled.
Finally, we chose a great property manager who got her the best possible rent.
And she’s off and racing.
This is the kind of result I love.
My client was on a one-way ticket to financial hell.
And it’s very common.
Unfortunately, for many women, divorce is the start of a financial downward spiral.
It means renting, an income which gets lower, and finally, a retirement where there’s never enough.
And when you’ve come from a financially comfortable marriage where things were always improving, it’s tough to suddenly go the other way.
Today, her financial future is getting brighter.
She is growing a portfolio, and moving towards owning her own home outright.
She is building cash flow which means supporting her kids through their education.
And while she still receives it, she’s not reliant on child support from her ex-husband.
One of the groups of people I find myself helping are divorcees.
And not just women. Men as well.
It’s part of my mission to help give people back the life they once had and to enjoy the financial stability they once enjoyed.
I think everyone has this
If you’ve found yourself in this situation then reach out to me and we’ll talk about where you are, what’s possible for you, and what your next steps are.
There’s no judgment. I know things get tough, and life isn’t always fair.
Let’s at least explore your options and get you back on track.
P.S. If you’ve reached out to someone else for help and been ignored then don’t worry.
I won’t do that.
Lots of people in the investing industry don’t want to help people like you because they like ‘simple’ clients like couples with 2 incomes and a house.
I want to help anyone who is prepared to ask for it and prepared to do what’s necessary.
Click on the button below and let’s start the conversation.
15 Nov 2021 - Will lockdowns change the property market long term?
The only constant in life is change.
That and taxes.
And the chances of being locked down for “another 7 days”.
OK, ok!
Seriously though, if you want life to be the same in 5 years time as it is today then you’re living in the wrong times.
When we got to about the year 1800 everything changed.
Before then you were probably a serf on the landowner’s farm, digging in the dirt all day, eating a turnip for tea, and you did that from the day you were born until the day you died.
(I might have channeled some Monty Python there, but you get the point).
Over the last 200 years, life is changing faster and faster.
And today it’s more extreme than ever.
And in 2026 it’ll look different again.
So, what does this mean for real estate?
One of the big changes is coming from Covid. Or more specifically the changes to our working life.
For me, it’s not a big deal since I already work from home.
But for a lot of people who were used to hauling themselves to the office 5 days a week, suddenly there’s a whole new way of working on offer.
And when Covid finally disappears, what then?
It’s hard to say exactly, but what I’m certain of is this.
There’s no going back to the 5 days in the office routine.
Even if employers want their staff back, the horse has already bolted and they’re not coming back full time.
And this means two things.
First, homes are going to be bigger and more luxurious.
They’re not just going to be somewhere people sleep. They’re going to be workplaces too.
And they’ll have more room where people can run their offices as well.
Second, geographical limits which hold people to certain areas are going to vanish.
Typically, most people live near their work so their commute is shorter.
But now?
Now you can live anywhere.
It means people are moving out of the city and going to small country towns.
Sure, it might be a 2-hour commute into the office but if they’re only going there a couple of days a week, who cares?
Other people are moving to inner city suburbs to be closer to cafes and restaurants they can ‘sneak off to’ during their work day.
Or to be closer to the gym, pubs, and clubs since they’ll have all that commute time back and be free to enjoy this side of life.
So yes, things are changing.
And they’re changing fast.
The trend is all about lifestyle.
My advice to you is to watch the trends very carefully so you can make your investment decisions based on what Australia will look like in 2026, not what it looked like in 2016.
P.S. Do you want some help untangling the mess and confusion?
Then reply to this email and let’s set up a time to talk.
The market is changing rapidly, and this means opportunity once you know what’s coming.
15 Nov 2021 - Property seminars suck
Property seminars suck.
Well, not all of them suck.
But … MOST property seminars suck.
And the reason is most seminars are fixated on the ‘one’ solution to the problem.
And ever worse, most seminar presenters wouldn’t have a clue what your problem is in the first place.
Or what your goals are.
Or care.
They just want to give you their solution and encourage you (or should I say push and persuade you) into it.
Crazy stuff, right?
Because what suits someone else, doesn’t necessarily suit you.
The point is, watch anyone selling property direct from the state.
OK, onwards.
Did you know the most important skill a doctor has is the diagnosis?
It’s true.
Spend 20 minutes with your doctor and 15 minutes will be spent diagnosing what the matter is.
Then a couple of minutes talking you through the solution, and a couple more trying to get the damn prescription to print.
Anyway, that being the case it makes you wonder why most real estate advisors start with the solution, then spend all their time talking you into it.
The only time they talk about your problems or goals is to give themselves an edge to make the sale easier.
So if a cashflow positive house in Victoria is what you need, but all they’ve got is a cashflow neutral one in Queensland, guess which one they’re going to push?
They’re not going to lift one lazy finger to go help you find the right house in Vic.
Anyway, if this makes sense then feel free to reach out and talk to me.
I won’t give you a solution until we’ve had a very long and detailed talk.
That’s my promise to you.
But then at least you’ll know it’ll be designed to help solve your problems and move you closer to your goals.
Hit reply, send me your details and we’ll set up a time to talk.
P.S. We talk about leverage when it comes to property.
And usually, this means using a small deposit to control a much bigger house.
However, there’s another form of leverage.
And it’s using one property to push you a long way toward your goals.
Anyhow, let’s chat.
I’m locked down so I’ve got a bit of free time to help you.
15 Nov 2021 - Are you a H.E.N.R.Y?
Are you a Henry?
Maybe you are, maybe you’re not.
Or maybe you’re just thinking …
… ‘what the hell is a HENRY???’
I’d only learnt the term a few weeks ago, so don’t feel bad if you don’t know it.
Well, you know how you’ve got DINKS (Dual Income, No Kids) and KIPPERS (Kids In Parents’ Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings), now you’ve got:
High Earners, Not Rich Yet.
It’s a pretty confronting term actually if you are because it says you’re earning good money, and what the hell is wrong with you?
Lots of money, not much to show for it.
Listen, most high earners haven’t got much to show for it.
The medical industry is the worst I’ve come across by the way.
Lots of highly trained doctors and specialists on mammoth wages, and haven’t got much set aside for when they retire except a crap load of cash in the bank and a super fund which isn’t going anywhere fast.
(I know people on a quarter of their wages who are going to retire much richer than them).
Of course, this isn’t a blame game.
Most people aren’t even thinking about it.
And it’s not like anyone teaches you how.
After all, society pushes the idea that you should go to school, and get a job, then when you hit 65 you retire and live off your small super nest egg or the pension.
Other than that, you go figure it out!
But it doesn’t change one basic fact which I’ve seen over and over again.
Well, high earners tend to think it’s going to automatically happen for them, and they’ll suddenly wake up one day rich.
Because, I mean all that income had to have gone somewhere, right?
And that’s the second problem.
No discipline and no effort.
It’s more tempting to enjoy a nice $100+ breakfast with the family on Sunday morning.
Besides, you earnt it. You work hard and it’s not like you do it all the time.
So here’s the thing.
If this sounded a little like you, you’re saving some money but it’s not really growing much then we need to talk.
It sounds like you might be a Henry.
And I want to get you out of this situation.
With interest rates so low, odds are I can help you grow wealth for your future AND have more in your pocket at the same time.
Send me a reply and let’s set up a time to talk.
I’ll show you what’s possible, and if it makes sense then we can go further.
And if not, no stress.
At least you took the time to find out.
P.S. Some people don’t want to talk to me because they’re afraid I’ll call them on their BS.
Maybe I will.
Actually, I probably will (although I’ll do it gently).
They’d rather NOT know what’s possible because they’re scared of the truth about their decisions up to now.
OK, there might be some pain in the short term as you realise how bad your situation is, and how poor your future looks.
But that’s a drop in the ocean compared to your future if nothing changes.
Most people live way smaller than they could.
It’s only the ones brave enough to take a step out of their comfort zone who achieve what they’re capable of.
I’m hoping this is you.
Is it? If it is then reply and let me know.

20 Dec 2021 - Clever pants makes a small town filthy rich
Here’s proof that getting rich doesn’t take a PhD.
And a great story at the same time.
Back in the Great Depression, there was a local banker in the small town of Quincy, Florida called Pat Monroe.
And Pat noticed something curious.
He noticed that no matter how bad things got, people would always find a nickel or two to buy a Coke.
Here’s the other thing he noticed.
He noticed that shares in Coca-Cola had just crashed to $19.
And he put one and one together and realised you couldn’t go wrong investing in something people always wanted.
So Pat set out to convince everyone in town, especially the struggling families to buy as many shares in Coca-Cola as they could.
And a few short years later the share price shot back up again, and Quincy became the single richest town per capita in the entire USA.
Even back then this tiny little town boasted 67 millionaires.
(And that’s when a million dollars actually meant something).
It’s proof that you don’t need to be a PhD to get richer.
The first question you should ask yourself when assessing an investment opportunity is …
… do people want to live there?
There are plenty of investors chasing high cash flow, but they’re chasing them in downtrodden suburbs.
And this means people only live there because they have to, not because they want to.
I’ll pass, thank you very much.
For me, I only invest in areas where there’s an enormous demand.
And that’s because if people will do anything to live there, you can’t go wrong.
Just like Coke and Quincy.
P.S. This is how I examine all the investment opportunities I see.
It’s also the reason why my clients and I enjoy so much long-term wealth creation.
When you start with a great strategy, and implement it with great investments you won’t find a faster way to create high, sustainable wealth.
Let me know when you’re ready to chat and we’ll organise a time to get you on the right path.
13 Dec 2021 - There’s a new trend in the market making investors rich
There’s a new trend in the market and it’s making investors rich in record time.
Let me give you the background.
Last week I told you why you shouldn’t buy investment properties at auction.
In fact, buying anything on realestate.com.au is a terrible idea too.
And what I suggested was going direct to the developers because they want to move their places fast and move on to the next build.
And now, because the market is moving so fast we’re seeing something I’ve never witnessed before.
Even though the new stock is way better.
Here’s an example.
We sold a top-level apartment on the coast in Queensland a few months ago for $870,000. And this place has KILLER views.
Today there’s an apartment in the same building on level 2.
It’s got NO views.
And it went for $980,000.
That’s $110,000 more than the penthouse suite, despite not having any views.
Imagine how smug the owners of the top-level apartment are feeling.
Especially when a similar apartment on level 6 just went for $1,200,000.
How about this one?
A 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom property with 1 car spot sold last month for $650,000. And it was brand new.
Last week an older residence in the same building was sold.
It also has 2 bedrooms, but only 1 bathroom. And it’s so small you could barely swing a cat in it.
Older, smaller, 1 less bathroom.
Guess how much?
$600,000. Just $50k less. And it was gone in only 6 days.
Listen, based on that, think about how much the new one would go for.
Probably $700,000 at least. So there’s already serious equity in there for the new owner.
How about the one I got?
I picked up one here 9 months ago, and it’s got at least $55,000 equity in it already. And probably more.
Plus there’s a lot more growth to come.
And that’s why we’re seeing second-hand properties selling for MORE than brand-new ones. The market’s moving so fast it can’t keep up.
Speaking of growth, one of the reasons I chose this investment is because it’s on one of the best beaches in Australia.
(It recently got voted the #1 swimming beach in the country).
And now the work-from-home trend is growing, executives on $1 million salaries from Melbourne and Sydney are buying here.
The way they figure it, if they don’t have to be in the office they’d rather be here than stuck in their Melbourne and Sydney townhouses.
Anyway, this has been a great investment for me.
And I’ve got an opportunity to secure a handful of new stock at a great price, so if a deal like this interests you let me know.
You’ll need to be ready to move quickly though because investors know about this price discrepancy.
And once the developers catch up it’ll all be over.
Anyway, shoot me an email with your number and I’ll tell you more about it.
Plus I’ll show you what older places are selling for and how much they’re getting.
You won’t believe it until I show you.
6 Dec 2021 - How to get murdered in the real estate game
If you’re buying investment properties at auction you’re really being taken for a ride.
Buying at auction is probably the worst possible way to buy.
Particularly (and understand this) in a hot market.
Buyer’s get pulled along for the ride and will go that extra $500 bid because they think it COULD be the one which gets them over the line.
It’s the same reason people play the pokies … the NEXT spin could win all their money back.
And before long they end up paying way too much because “I’ve got more money than that b%$ch over there”.
The point is, auctions?
The best way to invest is where there’s little competition. And where people are selling at huge discounts to get the deals done fast so they can go on with their next project.
I’ve come across one just like this, and I’ll show you next week as an example.
Stay tuned …
P.S. I’m negotiating on a couple of these places at the moment for clients.
I got one there late last year and it’s already gone up $55k and there’s a huge amount of growth yet to come.
If you’re interested in the details, shoot me a reply and let me know.
You’ll need to sit down with me first (phone or zoom is fine) to make sure it’s the right strategic fit.
24 Nov 2021 - I’m building an investing-bot
I’m putting the plans together for the world’s first investing robot.
Actually, I think most of the world’s stock markets are controlled by robots, but I’m building one for property investing.
It’s because if there’s one thing that screws us up, it’s … us!
We, people, are a seething pit of emotions. Greed, fear, anxiety, and doubt … all help us in some way but all of them stand in the way of making real money.
Back in 1996, grand champion chess player Garry Kasparov was beaten by a chess-playing computer, Deep Blue.
And the list of computers who are outperforming humans keeps growing.
Just recently a computer which Google developed started playing the strategy game StarCraft II, and immediately ranked in the top 0.15% of players.
And the way I figure it, computers are taking over and getting the best results because they don’t have any emotions.
(The next computer playing StarCraft might go onto the dark-web and hire a hitman to eliminate its opponents to rank even higher. Just saying.)
And the lesson is this.
This is why I always talk to people about their goals, and what their current situation is.
Then when I have all the facts I can prepare a strategy for them with all the steps required to achieve their goals.
And because I’m not you, I can prepare the strategy without any emotion plaguing my decisions.
Then what they get is a rational plan, designed and optimised to get them to their goals as fast as possible.
Simple enough.
So if I were to give you advice, I’d advise you to get out of the way and hand over the decision-making to someone who is rational and un-emotionless about what you’re trying to achieve.
Then follow the process and let it do its thing.
And whatever you do, don’t let your emotions into the driving seat.
P.S. This investing robot of mine will be designed to do what I do.
I work with investors, even first-time investors to create an emotion-free strategy for them to follow.
We analyse your goals and your financial situation.
Then we create a plan for using the property to get you to your goals.
And then we execute.
Then reply to this email with your phone number and I’ll give you a call.
There’s going to be a price for this starting in a couple of weeks, so you can do it for free now or you can wait and then pay for it.
24 Nov 2021 - Avoid investing in these suburbs
I’m sure you’ve heard it before.
Some fast-talking spruiker getting up on stage with upbeat dance music playing and telling you how they went from rags to riches by …… buying house and land packages in the outer suburbs.
Sheesh. Gimme a break!
When you invest, you do NOT want to invest in this rubbish.
(Somebody’s going to get rich, but it won’t be you. I’m tipping it’s the guy on stage.)
Because nobody really wants to live there. Not being rude, but given a choice, most people would rather a leafy suburb, close to town with coffee shops and fashion boutiques a walk away.
Not a lifeless, soulless new estate where every house is identical, and the nearest McShopping Centre is a 10-minute drive away.
So you’re not going to be investing where people desperately want to go, and this means demand is low.
Oversupply simply means as soon as the latest estate sells out, they’re going to rip up another old farm and whack up another 500 cheap houses.
And why would someone want to buy where YOU invested, when there are brand new places just around the corner?
Since you’re so far away from the city, another kilometer won’t matter anyway.
And just like that, your house price … drops.
These suburbs will become middle-ring suburbs one day. They’ll go up in value. They’ll probably become desirable locations.
But it won’t be for a very long time.
And you should be investing so you create wealth and income now, not 20 years down the track.
So if you ever get tempted to invest in a house and land package on a small block miles from anywhere then stop and look past the hype.
They’re no good.
Strategically yours,
P.S. I know a much better type of suburb to invest in. And I know the best type of investment you can make there.
But I’m not going to tell you straight away because it has to be right for you.
Get in touch with me and let’s talk about it.
If it’s right for you, I’ll show you what it is and how it can help you reach your financial and lifestyle goals faster.
Hit reply and send me your phone number.
I’ll give you a quick call to organise a time for us to talk.
And if you can give me some good times to catch you it’ll be even better.
17 Nov 2021 - A shortcut to see how much money you could make by investing
It’s a common story, and kind of funny to see it.
I see a lot of people who want to see what kinds of returns they could make by investing in real estate.
So they start a small Excel spreadsheet.
Because what happens is your basic little spreadsheet becomes bigger.
And that’s because there’s so much you could factor in.
You might want to see what happens with different interest rates.
But won’t they change over time? Let’s factor that in too.
What about LMI and other buying costs?
When will you have enough equity for your next house?
And of course, what will all this do to your tax?
By the time you’re done, you can end up with a multi-page monster which is as confusing as all hell.
So, here’s something you’re going to love.
We’ve done a lot of the heavy lifting for you.
And they’re available, for free, on our website.
Go here and start using them.
Click here to play around with our calculators and see how your decisions matter
It’s going to make your life a whole lot easier!
To your future prosperity,
Founder and chief strategist, Strategic Investors Australia
P.S. I highly recommend you do this before your What Can I Do Now call with one of our strategists.
The value of your property is important information for us to help work out your best next moves.
If you haven’t booked your call yet, you can book your call (it’s free) by clicking here.
10 Nov 2021 - [Free gift] Is your suburb a gem … or a lemon?
I’m sure you love where you live.
But when it comes to the figures, how does it stack up?
I’ve got another free gift for you.
It’s a comprehensive suburb report from RP Data.
This is only available to their subscribers, however, since you’re obviously interested in real estate I wanted to give you one.
Click here to get your free detailed suburb report as my gift to you
It’s crammed full of insights including the demographics, how many dwellings there are, sales and listing numbers plus the all-important median value and historic growth.
Plus it gives you some less common (yet still equally valuable) insights into how many days properties stay on the market before being sold, and even the average discount from the listing price to the eventual sale price.
You’re going to learn a lot from this.
Just click on the link above and you can get your report as my gift.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. Knowledge is power when it comes to real estate investing.
The more you know, the better decisions you’ll make.
This is why working through a comprehensive strategy before you start is so important.
You’ll discover so much about how the property market works, and how investing works just by going through the process.
And you’ll be able to make superior decisions that safeguard and grow your wealth.
If you haven’t booked your call yet, you can book your call (it’s free) by clicking here.
17 Nov 2021 - Avoid investing in these suburbs
Here’s a story I love.
And I want to share it with you.
If you’ve got goals in your life which do NOT include becoming filthy rich then it’s super important.
Because hey, not everyone wants to be like Scrooge McDuck with a swimming pool full of cash. I’m one of them by the way.
And this story explains everything.
I didn’t write it, although I kind of wish I had because it’s nailed it perfectly.
Let me take you to Mexico for a moment.
Down in Mexico, there’s this fisherman who pulls up at the dock in his small boat with a few tasty-looking yellowfin.
And this big-shot Yank strolls up to his boat and says …
“Hey amigo, how long have you been fishing for to catch these?”
The fisherman tells him he’s only been out for a couple of hours.
So the American asks him what he does with the rest of the time … to which the Mexican replies…
“I sleep in late, go fishing, play with my kids, and spend time with my wife.
Then every night I go play guitar with my friends and enjoy a beer or two”.
To which the American replies …
“I’m a Harvard MBA and what I think you should do is stay out fishing longer so you can catch more fish and sell them.
Then you can get a bigger boat, and catch EVEN MORE fish.
And when you sell them you’ll have even more money, and you can have your own fleet of fishing boats.
Then instead of selling your fish on the dock, you could open your own canning business where you control everything from catching the fish to processing and eventually selling them to the big supermarkets.
Then, as your enterprise expands you can move to a penthouse apartment in New York and run your business from there.
That’s where all the big businesses are run from.
And I reckon you could do all this in as little as 15 to 20 years.”
“And then what?” enquired the Mexican.
To which the Harvard MBA replied …
“Then you can sell your entire company on the stock market and it’ll make you millions.
“This is the best part!
You can retire, move to a small fishing village, sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, spend time with your wife and in the evening you can relax with your mates over a beer or two playing guitar!”
Great story, right?
A lot of people think the reason to invest is to become filthy rich.
And if that’s your goal then hey, good for you.
However, it doesn’t have to be this way.
And unfortunately, a lot of people never start investing because they believe (incorrectly) that the only reason to invest is to become filthy rich.
And they don’t want to be filthy rich.
You see, investing is a tool.
It’s a tool to help you achieve your goals.
And while most people would love to be a multi-millionaire, for most people it’s not their #1 priority they obsess over.
For you, it could be not having to work. Or at least dropping to part-time.
It might be being able to send your kids to a private school.
Or going to experience the world.
Maybe you’re stressed out over not having enough money when you retire.
(People’s life expectancy is going up and up, and while this is great news it’s also expensive).
Or you just don’t want to break into a sweat every time a bill turns up.
Perhaps you want kids but don’t know how you can afford to raise them.
So listen …
You don’t need to follow the Harvard MBA’s advice and go the whole hog.
You know what you want out of life, so use property to take you over that line.
Sure, if you want massive riches then I can help you with that.
However, if it’s a smaller change you’re dreaming of then I can help you with this too.
You don’t need 10 properties if you don’t want them.
Just one or two might tighten up a few areas in your life.
And this might be all you need.
P.S. It’s amazing how many people I talk to who think they need to be super rich to live the life they want.
Yet when we talk they realise they don’t need to have all this money, because their goals don’t call for it.
For them, one or two of the right kind of properties will give them the security and the resources they need to live the life they want.
And they don’t need some complex investing plan which would only confuse them and stress them out.
I can show you how you can use property to achieve your modest goals, without the stress which comes with trying to become filthy rich.
Hit reply, shoot me your phone and let’s talk.
3 Nov 2021 - Fire up your 2023 money-goals
Have your financial resolutions for this year already taken a back seat?
If they have, the question is … can you afford for this to happen?
As the weeks pass by, you’re less and less likely to do anything about them.
You know this already, I’m sure.
School holidays, then back to work, school goes back.
Life just gets in the way.
I mean, what are your actual first steps?
Well, OK.
The first steps are different for everyone.
That’s why I’m giving you some time with one of my strategists to figure it out.
Click here to book a time with one of my strategists to work out the next steps on your journey
They’ll get on a call with you to show you what’s possible.
They’ll tell you what your next steps should be.
And they’ll answer any questions you have.
All you need to do is click here and choose a time for a quick 15-minute introductory chat.
We’ll get to know a little bit more about you, and gather some quick info about your current financial situation and where you want to go.
And then organize a time for a proper, in-depth review of what’s possible for you and what to do next.
There’s no cost for this either.
Who knows, maybe there’s some ways we can help you.
Maybe not.
And if we can, you might like how we go about things and want our help.
It’s entirely up to you.
The main thing is you know (a) what’s possible, (b) how to get there, and (c) what to do next.
Let’s talk.
To your future success,
2 November - Is 2023 going to be your ‘wealth’ year?
If 2023 is going to be your ‘wealth year’ then this might be the most important email you ever read.
Here’s why.
It’s pretty common for money to be a New Year’s Resolution for most people.
After all, money … or not having enough of it is on most people’s minds.
Except there’s often no ‘next step’ for you to take.
So to make things easy for you, and so you understand your options I’d like to offer you some time with one of my team.
What happens is we’ll talk about where you are financially, where you want to go, and what might be possible for you.
And we’ll show you what you could achieve with the right strategy in place.
For a lot of people, real estate is the perfect vehicle to create wealth and income at the same time.
However, most people don’t understand how it works.
And they push it aside, not realising they could be accumulating passive wealth and income.
Make it the year you understand all your options and take the first step to creating wealth.
Whether it’s real estate or something else doesn’t matter.
What’s important is you understand your options so you can make a good decision and finally take the first step on your journey.
To your future prosperity,
P.S. Have you ever got to January the 1st and realised you’re setting the same resolutions as last year?
If this happens then you need to do something different.
Most of the time, people don’t understand their options.
And it’s hard to get basic, actionable information which is why you keep setting the goal … but never achieving it.
This is what your call is all about.
Getting you some basic information so you know your options and can make decisions quickly while it’s fresh in your mind.
Click here to book a time to talk with us – no obligation and no cost

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